
Text Practice Mode

passege writing

created Jan 17th 2023, 04:53 by krushnakant ghule



249 words
52 completed
No one wants to wake up early in the morning and going to
the office. Many peoples wake up early in the morning but some
people not waking up early in the morning. Some people do not
wake up even the alarm rings.
Music helps you to wake up early in the morning. Your day will
spend well with music. Now day people are spending a lot of hours
in office work, due to this they feel uncomfortable. People generally
drink tea and coffee but it also increases fat in their body.
You can walk while going to an office to be fit. You can walk
instead of using Lift. You may walk while working. Drink green tea
and black coffee. Sit straight while working in the office. Use a chair
with proper cushioning to avoid back pain. Drink lots of water, use a
water bottle on your desk, and drink water at some interval of time.
You can feel fresh by doing these activities.
You can do some exercise while working to lose weight. Avoid
junk food and eat healthy food. You can eat fruits for breakfast
before going to the office, it keeps your body healthy. You can also
drink juices of different fruits such as apple, pineapple, mango, etc…
in breakfast. Avoid excess sugar in body to keep your body active
and fresh.
Follow the above practices to keep your body healthy and fit.
If you do these practices, your body definitely fit within one month.

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