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district court matter 2021
created Dec 11th 2021, 11:33 by AbhayParmar1
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Villagers of Chinchvan who stay in the vicinity of Karnala bird sanctuary have alleged that weekend DJ parties and fabrication work at the resorts nearby have been disturbing birds in the sanctuary.
They have complained to the range forest office. The range forest office has issued a notice ot one such resort owner. The highway authorities had recently installed noise barriers along the Mumbai-Goa highway.
A large number of resorts and hotels are found on both sides of the Mumbai-Goa highway which passes through the core bird sanctuary area.
Several visitors turn up at the sanctuary and stay at the resorts and hotels during weekends and during festive time. However, loud music played at the resorts and the fabrication activities at the resorts are creating a nuisance for the birds.
The chinchvan villagers have alleged that high decibel music is being played during parties at the resorts and hotels all through the night.
A group of villagers has handed over a written complaint to the range forest officer of Karnala Bird Sanctuary against one of the resort owners and have demanded action.
"A complaint has been received from a group of villagers against one such resort owner. Based on their complaint, the resort owner has been served a notice. However, our staffers have not come across any violation, but this issue needs to be checked. The noise pollution issue is dealt with by the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board," said Narayan Rathod, range forest officer, Karnala Bird Santuary.
"Our staffers have not come across any complaint from the sanctuary officials or the local residents. No checks have been made about the noise pollution at the resorts, but checks will be conducted," said W killedar, regional officer-Raigad of the state anti-pollution board.
They have complained to the range forest office. The range forest office has issued a notice ot one such resort owner. The highway authorities had recently installed noise barriers along the Mumbai-Goa highway.
A large number of resorts and hotels are found on both sides of the Mumbai-Goa highway which passes through the core bird sanctuary area.
Several visitors turn up at the sanctuary and stay at the resorts and hotels during weekends and during festive time. However, loud music played at the resorts and the fabrication activities at the resorts are creating a nuisance for the birds.
The chinchvan villagers have alleged that high decibel music is being played during parties at the resorts and hotels all through the night.
A group of villagers has handed over a written complaint to the range forest officer of Karnala Bird Sanctuary against one of the resort owners and have demanded action.
"A complaint has been received from a group of villagers against one such resort owner. Based on their complaint, the resort owner has been served a notice. However, our staffers have not come across any violation, but this issue needs to be checked. The noise pollution issue is dealt with by the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board," said Narayan Rathod, range forest officer, Karnala Bird Santuary.
"Our staffers have not come across any complaint from the sanctuary officials or the local residents. No checks have been made about the noise pollution at the resorts, but checks will be conducted," said W killedar, regional officer-Raigad of the state anti-pollution board.