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Prev Next The Focus of Healthcare is Increasingly Getting Skewed Towards the ‘Haves’ of our Society.
created Oct 21st 2021, 06:46 by Saksham Chaudhary
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Good health is one of the most fundamental and basic essential needs of all human beings. That is why, third of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the world leaders last year aims to ensure good health for all. Indian constitution also implicitly recognizes good health as one of the fundamental rights guaranteed under the right to life. In absence of good health all of man’s endeavors will be deemed useless. For India to fulfill its dream of becoming a developed and prosperous nation it must take care of the most important of its resources i.e. its human capital. India is on the cusp of demographic dividend with the economically productive (15-59 years of age) portion of its population going above the 60% mark. But India can fully utilize this potential only if it is successful in providing for its population proper education, skills, nutrition and healthcare. Among all this, importance of healthcare is perhaps the highest as only a healthy person can be productive enough to fully utilize his skills. Therefore healthcare is of paramount importance for an individual to lead a fulfilling life and also for the whole nation to progress. However is the Indian healthcare system itself in a healthy state?
India has a disproportionately high share of health problems and diseases like child stunting, diabetes, tuberculosis, cancer etc. In the recent round of National Sample Survey (NSS) it was found that over 80% of Indians do not have health insurance cover and that a majority of people in the rural areas utilize private sector health services. Given the relatively lower levels of per capita income in rural areas of our country all these findings certainly raise a question over whether the healthcare system.
India has a disproportionately high share of health problems and diseases like child stunting, diabetes, tuberculosis, cancer etc. In the recent round of National Sample Survey (NSS) it was found that over 80% of Indians do not have health insurance cover and that a majority of people in the rural areas utilize private sector health services. Given the relatively lower levels of per capita income in rural areas of our country all these findings certainly raise a question over whether the healthcare system.