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English Idioms sentences 1 of 5

created Sep 11th 2021, 11:13 by



1445 words
15 completed
Health Idioms Examples
List of health idiom example sentences with idiom meaning.
My grandfather was as pale as a ghost (extremely pale) when he entered the hospital.  
The sales manager was at death’s door (very near death) after his heart attack.
My mother is back on her feet (healthy again) after being sick for two weeks.
I have been feeling on top of the world (feel very healthy) since I quit my job.
I’m going under the knife (undergo surgery) next month to try to solve my knee problems. Hope it helps!
My colleague was looking a little green around the gills (sick) when he came to work today.
My uncle is very sick and has one foot in the grave (near death).
Did you have a good vacation? Not really. I was sick as a dog (extremely ill) the whole time.
My boss has been under the weather (not feeling well) all week and has not come to work during that time.
Clothes Idioms Examples
List of clothing idiom example sentences with idiom meaning.
A few years ago Uggs were all the rage (very fashionable), but now you don’t see them so much.
Jacob is unpredictable. He won’t leave the office for weeks, but then he’ll take off for New York at the drop of a hat (suddenly).
Wait until you try the new Yamaha scooters. They’ll knock your socks off! (amaze you)
The carmaker’s sales declined because many consumers found their designs old hat (old-fashioned).
Sports Idioms Examples
List of sport idiom examples with idiom meaning.
A ballpark figure (a rough estimate) for the cost of the new stadium would be $150,000,000.
Francesca hit it out of the park (succeed brilliantly) with her speech today. It was fabulous.
Madrid won most of our matches during the season, but we kicked ass (defeat badly) in the playoffs.
I’ll call you back in an hour. The speaker is almost finished, and I’m on deck (next).
I thought I was totally exhausted after mile nine of the race. But then I got my second wind (renewed energy).
 I’ve helped him as much as I can in that class. Now he’s going to have to sink or swim (fail or succeed).
Maybe you could take a hike (go away) while we discuss salaries.
After losing his queen, the chess player threw in the towel (give up) and resigned.
Our competitor’s model dominates the market, so ours is facing tough sledding (difficult progress).
Idiom Examples Image 2
Idiom Examples Image 2Pin
Music Idioms Examples
List of music idiom examples with idiom meaning.
Can you guys please be quiet? Your chin music (meaningless talk) is distracting me from my work.
News of the new president was music to my ears (good to hear) she’s terrific.
You may say you’re in love with your boyfriend, but you’ll be singing a different tune (change your opinion) when you find out what he’s been up to.
If you think you can get a ticket for under $200 at Christmastime, you’re whistling Dixie (unrealistically optimistic).
Time Idioms Examples
List of time idiom examples with idiom meaning.
The restaurant is open around the clock (at all times).
Blackberry phones used to be extremely popular, but now many people think they’re behind the times (old-fashioned).
The boxer is ready to call time (end) on his long career.
You all look tired. Let’s call it a day (stop working).
Teamwork and training will carry the day (successful).
Your days are numbered (will die soon) if you keep driving while drunk.
 I’d buy that car in a New York minute (very quickly) if I had the money.
I had a beautiful family, a nice home, and lots of money. And then, in the blink of an eye (instantaneously), it was all gone.
Kevin says he was completely in the dark (unaware) about the CEO’s plans to sell the company.
We were going to leave without you, but you got here just in the nick of time (just in time).
I’m glad you dropped by! It’s been a month of Sundays (a long time) since I saw you last.
When I said I would move to New York, she offered me the job on the spot (immediately).
Once in a blue moon (very rarely) you see the Aurora here, but it’s not like farther north.
I don’t want to live in the city, but I enjoy visiting once in a while (occasionally).
We should seize the day (take an opportunity) while prices are low. That won’t last forever.
Take your time (don’t hurry) on the exam. You don’t get a bonus for finishing quickly.
If you have problems, call me twenty-four seven (at any time); it doesn’t matter if I’m sleeping.
Our holiday party is such a bore. Year in, year out (annually without change) the owner makes the same dumb jokes.
Number Idioms Examples
List of number idiom examples with idiom meaning.
I have a million and one (many) ideas.
He got home from the party all in one piece (safely).
The project failed, we’re back to square one (back to the start).
I’ve been in seventh heaven (extremely happy) ever since I got engaged!
You don’t have to do this totally by the book (follow instructions exactly).
I can’t drive, I had one too many (drink too much alcohol).
Never in a million years (absolutely never) did I think that I would actually win the lottery!
Nine times out of ten (almost always) your first choice turns out to be the right one.
I wouldn’t want a nine-to-five job (a routine job).
When my mom bought me a computer, I was on cloud nine (very happy).
I put in my two cents (say your opinion) at the meeting.
Ten to one (very likely) I’m going to win.
I can try, but completing the whole ad campaign by the end of the month is a tall order (a difficult task).
The runner was far ahead for most of the race, but at the end she won only by a whisker (a very short distance).
Travel & Transport Idioms Examples
List of travel idiom examples with idiom meaning.
I’m not really part of your group. If I come to the party I’ll just be a fifth wheel (a superfluous person).
We better hit the road (leave) before traffic get seven worse.
New Year’s Eve is just around the corner (occurring soon). Have you made party plans yet?
My brother just spent a lot of money on really questionable stocks. I think he’s off his trolley (insane).
I’ll eat dinner on the fly (while traveling) and meet you at 8.
 It’s too late for you to ask her to marry you she’s involved with someone else now. That ship has sailed (that opportunity has passed).
Car & Driving Idioms Examples
List of car idiom examples with idiom meaning.
Higher coal prices put the brakes on (slow down) industrial activities in the second quarter.
I’m late for my best friend’s wedding. Put the pedal to the metal! (drive as fast as possible)
After work I drove home hell for leather (very fast), but I still missed my daughter’s birthday party.
It will take time to get the final cost, but a quick-and-dirty (approximate) estimate would be $45,000.
I’ll have the order done quick as a flash (very fast) probably by the time you get back to your office.
Technology Idioms Examples
List of technology idiom examples with idiom meaning.
Sure, come into the office, and we can get the documents you need chop chop (Quickly).
We’re going to pull the plug on (terminate) our operation in Taiwan. It’s just not succeeding.
Passing this quiz will be like shooting fish in a barrel (very easy). I’ve studied a lot.
Jim is a straight arrow (an honest, trustworthy person).
Home Idioms Examples
List of home idiom examples with idiom meaning.
I’ve locked the door. They’re as safe as houses (very safe).
She said he’s out of the house of correction (prison).
After struggling with my homework, I finally threw in the towel (give up) and went to bed.
That’s a worthless investment. He’s throwing his money down the drain (waste money).
When I found out Tom crashed my car, I hit the roof (become very angry).
Jeff smokes like a chimney (smoke a lot). I worry about his health.
His diet went out the window (disappear) during the holidays.
Please come in and make yourself at home (make yourself comfortable).
Cutting-edge (innovative) musical styles often originate in Britain.
There are just a few difficulties to iron out (resolve), and then we’ll be ready to sign the contract.

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