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join Mp high court whatsapp group. Please send your whatsapp msg with name msg send no. 8109957050.
created Aug 3rd 2021, 07:13 by piyush jain
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In his order, Justice S.M. Subramaniam had came down heavily on “reel heroes” for avoiding payment of taxes and highlighted how important the revenue was for building infrastructure. He also criticised Mr. Vijay for not having even disclosed his occupation in the affidavit filed in support of his case. join Mp high court whatsapp group. Please send your whatsapp msg with name msg send no. 8109957050. “It is surprising to note that the petitioner has not even stated his profession or occupation in his affidavit. He has imported a prestigious costly car from England but unfortunately, not paid entry tax as per the statutes. He has filed a writ petition to avoid payment of tax... The petitioner, who is a reputed cine actor, is expected to pay the tax promptly and punctually,” the judge had said. join Mp high court whatsapp group. Please send your whatsapp msg with name msg send no. 8109957050. He went on to state that it was essential for every citizen to remit taxes dutifully to the government and that such payment was a mandatory contribution and not a voluntary payment or donation. Taxes help the State to construct schools, hospitals, housing projects for the poor and railways, ports and so on for all, he added. join Mp high court whatsapp group. Please send your whatsapp msg with name msg send no. 8109957050. The judge had pointed out that Mr. Vijay has a large fan base and those fans consider actors like him real heroes. “In the State of Tamil Nadu, cine heroes have risen as rulers of the State and therefore, the people are under the impression that they are real heroes. Thus, they are not expected to behave like a reel heroes. Tax evasion is to be construed as an anti-national habit, attitude and mindset and unconstitutional,” he observed. join Mp high court whatsapp group. Please send your whatsapp msg with name msg send no. 8109957050. Lamenting the stark difference between roles portrayed by the actors on the silver screen and their true character in real life, Justice Subramaniam had said: “These actors portray themselves as champions of social justice. Their movies are against corrupt activities in the society. But, they are evading tax and acting in a manner, which is not in consonance with the provisions of the Statutes.” join Mp high court whatsapp group. Please send your whatsapp msg with name msg send no. 8109957050. The constitutional goal of social justice as enshrined in the preamble of the Constitution and the spirit of Article 38(2) (minimising inequalities) could be achieved only if people of stature pay taxes punctually and act as real heroes in their life. A person paying tax punctually and promptly must be considered as a real hero, the judge had written. join Mp high court whatsapp group. Please send your whatsapp msg with name msg send no. 8109957050.