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created Aug 3rd 2021, 02:51 by Ashu Soni
497 words
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Selecting an outfit for your first day at work can be difficult, especially if you are unsure about what is considered to be an acceptable attire. While it is certainly necessary to follow any existing dress codes for professional events, you should also feel comfortable and confident in your clothes. If you like to combine form and function in your work wear, smart casual attire can be an excellent choice as it combines comfort with a professional, trendy appearance. Here is a guide to smart casual attire that will help you learn more about this dress option for your next professional venture. Smart casual attire is a professional dress option that incorporates trendy pieces into an outfit to achieve a clean yet comfortable, semi-formal appearance. There are a wide variety of clothing options to choose from for smart casual attire including skirts, dresses, trousers, slacks, sweaters, collared shirts or blouses, and possibly a blazer or a jacket depending on the occasion. Informal smart casual attire and business casual attire are similar. The main difference is that smart casual attire may incorporate more trendy, fashionable pieces. They are both a style of clothing that will give you a professional appearance without wearing suits or other formal professional clothing. Informal smart casual options might include jeans and t-shirts. A smart casual wardrobe should include versatile clothes that are comfortable. Ideally, most pieces of clothing can work with one another to form a variety of outfits for your professional life. Let us take a closer look at examples of smart casual attire for the workplace. Smart casual attire for men. A smart casual wardrobe for men is based around a few essential items that can be mixed and matched to create a variety of outfits. The ideal smart casual outfit includes a combination of both formal and informal pieces. Pants. When building your smart casual collection, shopping for paints is a good place to start. You will need a quality pair of denim jeans to get a classic look that fits into numerous environments. Shirts. Examples of smart casual shirts include short and long-sleeve button downs and classic t-shirts. You can also incorporate sweaters which can easily be dressed up and down based on your pants and shoes. If you feel comfortable with colours and patterns you might also invest in statement pieces that can be paired with solid basics. Jackets and blazers. Jackets are a great option to mix up your outfits, and they look great in both formal and informal settings. An unstructured, dark blazer can create a smart, professional look while also feeling casual. Smart casual outfit. Pants and skirts. Opt for long skirts or those that hit just below the knee, like pencil skirts. You might also explore interesting skirt fabrics such as denim to pair with basic tops and jackets. Tops. Nearly any top with work well in a smart casual outfit as long as it is clean and free of holes or wrinkles.