Text Practice Mode
type test for ssc 28
created Jan 7th 2021, 09:14 by kekegenkai
326 words
9 completed
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India is the second most populous country in the world with a total
population of over 1.21 billion according to the 2011 Census.
Adolescents (10–19 years) constitute over one-fifth of the total
population, and their number is estimated to be about 243 million. They
represent a resource for the future whose potential needs to be nurtured
in a positive manner. The adolescents are considered to be healthy as a
group; however, they do have a range of health problems that cause a lot
of morbidity as well as mortality. In spite of specific health problems, it
is a common observation that the existing health services do not cater to
the specific problems of adolescents. Moreover, it is a challenge for the
health sector to respond to their needs adequately by offering services in
a friendly manner in a non-threatening environment. In this chapter, an
attempt has been made to discuss the health needs of adolescents, the
status of existing adolescent friendly health services and the manner in
which these services can be made available to adolescents so that these
can be adequately utilised by them.
As you have realised while going through the chapters 'Growing
up with Confidence' and 'Diet for Healthy Living', adolescence is the
most significant period in the life of human beings. It is imperative,
therefore, that the needs of adolescents be recognised and met
adequately. Their health needs are: Nutritional Needs, Reproductive and
Sexual Health Needs, Mental Health Concerns, Substance Abuse,
Accidental Injuries.
As we have seen, the health needs of young people are special in
many respects. Therefore, there is a need to establish special services for
them. These services are called "Adolescent Friendly Health Services"
(AFHS). They have a specialised approach for giving adolescents
preventive, promotive and curative health care. These services are
mostly run by the government and in them diagnostic, treatment,
counselling and other facilities related to health are offered for free or at
a very minimal charge.
population of over 1.21 billion according to the 2011 Census.
Adolescents (10–19 years) constitute over one-fifth of the total
population, and their number is estimated to be about 243 million. They
represent a resource for the future whose potential needs to be nurtured
in a positive manner. The adolescents are considered to be healthy as a
group; however, they do have a range of health problems that cause a lot
of morbidity as well as mortality. In spite of specific health problems, it
is a common observation that the existing health services do not cater to
the specific problems of adolescents. Moreover, it is a challenge for the
health sector to respond to their needs adequately by offering services in
a friendly manner in a non-threatening environment. In this chapter, an
attempt has been made to discuss the health needs of adolescents, the
status of existing adolescent friendly health services and the manner in
which these services can be made available to adolescents so that these
can be adequately utilised by them.
As you have realised while going through the chapters 'Growing
up with Confidence' and 'Diet for Healthy Living', adolescence is the
most significant period in the life of human beings. It is imperative,
therefore, that the needs of adolescents be recognised and met
adequately. Their health needs are: Nutritional Needs, Reproductive and
Sexual Health Needs, Mental Health Concerns, Substance Abuse,
Accidental Injuries.
As we have seen, the health needs of young people are special in
many respects. Therefore, there is a need to establish special services for
them. These services are called "Adolescent Friendly Health Services"
(AFHS). They have a specialised approach for giving adolescents
preventive, promotive and curative health care. These services are
mostly run by the government and in them diagnostic, treatment,
counselling and other facilities related to health are offered for free or at
a very minimal charge.