Text Practice Mode
type test for ssc 25
created Jan 4th 2021, 05:30 by kekegenkai
325 words
16 completed
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The environment is a key determinant of social and individual
health. You may be aware that many of our health problems are caused
by environmental degradation. Exposure to air, water and soil pollution,
chemicals in the environment, or noise, can cause cancer, respiratory,
cardiovascular and communicable diseases, as well as some other
serious health disorders. Although environmental degradation can affect
the health of the whole population, some groups are particularly
vulnerable, including children, pregnant women, the elderly and persons
with pre existing family history of certain diseases.
As you are aware that number of factors contribute to
environmental degradation, but the most important factor is the misuse
and over use of natural resources. All that the nature has provided to us
such as soil, air, water, minerals, sunshine (sunlight), animals and plants,
etc. are known as natural resources. Human beings use these directly or
indirectly for their survival and welfare. The problem lies in how these
natural resources are distributed and used. If at any time one person or a
group of people uses more than their fair share of resources, an
imbalance is created. This leads to environmental health problems for
It is therefore essential for every individual to ensure that natural
resources are protected and are not misused or over used, so that social
and individual health is not affected adversely. In India, we have had a
great tradition of environmental conservation. We have been taught
since ages to respect nature and to recognize that all forms of life -
human, animal and plant are closely interrelated. Disturbance in one
gives rise to an imbalance in others. Our Constitution also has provisions
for protection of environment.
Natural resources can be protected in two ways. Efforts are needed
to ensure that natural resources are used judiciously according to the
needs of the present generation, and of future generations. Secondly,
care needs to be taken so that natural resources are properly maintained
and sustained.
health. You may be aware that many of our health problems are caused
by environmental degradation. Exposure to air, water and soil pollution,
chemicals in the environment, or noise, can cause cancer, respiratory,
cardiovascular and communicable diseases, as well as some other
serious health disorders. Although environmental degradation can affect
the health of the whole population, some groups are particularly
vulnerable, including children, pregnant women, the elderly and persons
with pre existing family history of certain diseases.
As you are aware that number of factors contribute to
environmental degradation, but the most important factor is the misuse
and over use of natural resources. All that the nature has provided to us
such as soil, air, water, minerals, sunshine (sunlight), animals and plants,
etc. are known as natural resources. Human beings use these directly or
indirectly for their survival and welfare. The problem lies in how these
natural resources are distributed and used. If at any time one person or a
group of people uses more than their fair share of resources, an
imbalance is created. This leads to environmental health problems for
It is therefore essential for every individual to ensure that natural
resources are protected and are not misused or over used, so that social
and individual health is not affected adversely. In India, we have had a
great tradition of environmental conservation. We have been taught
since ages to respect nature and to recognize that all forms of life -
human, animal and plant are closely interrelated. Disturbance in one
gives rise to an imbalance in others. Our Constitution also has provisions
for protection of environment.
Natural resources can be protected in two ways. Efforts are needed
to ensure that natural resources are used judiciously according to the
needs of the present generation, and of future generations. Secondly,
care needs to be taken so that natural resources are properly maintained
and sustained.