
Text Practice Mode

Neeraj Kumar Speed Exercise No. 3

created Nov 24th 2020, 14:02 by NeerajKumar



305 words
27 completed
Are our Universities to be content with merely turning out graduate who knowledge of an alien language and efficiency in other initiative arts have roused a certain amount of good-natured astonishment among foreign critics? Those days of tolerant appreciation are now happily passed away. You have to pass a few severer tests and your own work you have to win the recognition of the world. The civilized nations have in modern times each made a notable contribution to the world's advancement. What new and original store have you contributed and what steps have you taken that your contributions do not remain sporadic or uncertain?  
     I have spoken of the new lines of investigation which have had their birth in India and which will contribute materially to the intellectual advancement and further the welfare of humanity. Will these advances in various branches of science, in Medicine, in Agriculture, and in Biophysics benefit only India or the whole world? Shall these then remain the offering of an individual worker to come to an end with him, or need of recognition which has so hardly been won, and maintain a continuous and glorious tradition of India's gifts to the world in the realm of science.  
    Very little serious and intelligent thought has been given to the questions, which is one of the most important problems for shaping the future destiny of our country. It has been supposed that for the success of research all that is necessary is an expensively equipped laboratory which apeals to the ye by its grandeur and cut and dried schemes for various chairs and an undue haste to fill them. If display and lavish expenditure had been the sole requisite for the discovery of laws of nature, then universities, with their endowment exceeding millions, should have had the monopoly in the case.

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