
Text Practice Mode


created Oct 19th 2020, 04:22 by SAKSHI COMPUTER



224 words
117 completed
With today's working lifestyle taking a toll on one's mental as well physical health, it becomes an organisation's responsibility to promote a healthy culture by introducing varied activities. Wellness programs, workshops conducted by mind coaches, and providing fitness facilities are some of the common ways to help employees maintain worklife balance. Organisations promoting wellbeing and healthy choices have a more employees turnout ratio than others. Since wellness programs help in giving more health benefits for the entire family, employees take less leaves to take care of unwell self and sick family members too. It has been observed in factories as well as corporate settings that by offering workplace wellness programs, employees are more loyal to organisation. Presenteeism, in its true sense means representatives are truly present physically and mentally, as a result of those programs. An organisation that thinks about its representatives' wellbeing is regularly observed as a supreme work environment. Organisations who value the hard-working employees save a lot of money. Wellbeing implies dealing with the body as well as the mind. A great deal of business-related pressure can be taken care outside the work environment through guided help programs. Employee assistance programs such as financial assistance shows how sympathetic and concerned an organisation is for their employee. And in this manner, it boosts fulfillment and confidence between the business and the individual.

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