
Text Practice Mode


created Oct 15th 2020, 13:51 by SAKSHI COMPUTER



314 words
32 completed
It is commonly being said and discussed everywhere that a life without stress and worry is impossible to exist. While some of us consider stress as natural, there are others who even say stress is good and some even go to the extent of saying that becoming stressful and worrying will bring us to solutions to problems. While the bandwidth of common views and opinions is vast, it is fair to say that there is no common consensus on the word stress. We are all confused and misled by our own beliefs, others' opinions, information from outside sources as well as most importantly, a lack of correct wisdom on the 21st century favourite topic. Relax! It is all happening for the good when this was told to some worriers, they laughed it out. The demotion at the office, the critical illness, the absolutely negative relationship with my spouse, where nothing but disagreement exists  and you say it is all happening for the good. Spiritual wisdom when learnt makes us relaxed and easy that whatever is happening at the current moment is right. Also, anything happening will strengthen you, make you wiser spiritually and emotionally, is settling negative karmic bondages created by us in the past and making us lighter. The literal meaning of truth is not only honesty as we know it but complete purity or cleanliness of character. Also, most important of all, it is a test for us, by passing which, we will create better future realities for ourselves. So, always remember the slogan what has passed was good, what is in front of us now is very good and whatever future we create by remaining stable and content in the present difficult situation, will be very very good. Why? Because we are born winners! Starting the day with this consciousness will make you a self-success story, which you take pride in.

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