
Text Practice Mode

physical examination

created Jul 7th 2020, 09:20 by Escapeartist



121 words
30 completed
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: VITAL SIGNS: The patient was afebrile, has stable and normal vital signs. The patient is sitting quietly on the gurney and does not look to be in significant distress, but she is complaining of dental pain. HEENT: Unremarkable. I do not see any obvious facial swelling, but she is definitely tender all in the left mandible region. There is no neck adenopathy. Oral mucosa is moist and well hydrated. Dentition looks to be in reasonable condition. However, she definitely is tender to percussion on the left lower first premolar. I do not see any huge cavity or anything like that. No real significant gingival swelling and there is no drainage noted. None of the teeth are tender to percussion.

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