
Text Practice Mode


created Jul 5th 2020, 13:32 by SAKSHI COMPUTER



235 words
42 completed
Everything you do is significant. Every thought you think has consequences. Whether or not you have the intention to make a difference, you are making a difference. Whether or not you're aware of your impact, you have an impact. You can't possibly manage every result that comes out of the way you live your life. Yet you can manage your attitude, your perspective, what you respect, what you value. Do what you do, think what you think, with a commitment to truth, authenticity, and goodness. Keep your awareness in a positive, kindhearted place and leave each situation better than you found it. The energy you broadcast to life affects your life and the world in which you live. For the sake of others, for your own sake, let it come from a good and sincere place. Carry with you a persistent commitment to the best of life for everyone who lives it. In ways large and small, leave goodness in your wake. Taking the easy way out does not usually end up being very easy. Taking the easy way out in the short run will make things much more difficult in the long run. You have the choice to completely deal with each problem when it arises. That's much better, and ultimately easier, than simply delaying the consequences until later. You have the ability to speak the truth, and to take responsibility for your actions.

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