
Text Practice Mode


created Jul 5th 2020, 10:37 by lovelesh shrivatri



367 words
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Nowadays, any person making someone a guru has started worshiping him by putting a big photo in his house and he does this because he too is a master knuckle like the same guru. The narrator is also a guru and the evil-doers are also gurus. In the name of the ashram, land grabbers are also gurus and by giving sweet discourses they also become gurus. Seeing their wealth, discourse and number of disciples, everyone will want to become their disciple because everyone's economic benefits are connected.
 There is a tradition in ancient India of Guru and disciple in ashrams. Now neither Guru is like Guru nor disciple is like disciple. The ashram has changed, then everything will change. There are many examples of the tradition of Guru and disciple, which shows how much struggle the Guru faced in making disciple and disciple as Guru. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh says finding a guru is very difficult. The Guru also keeps searching for the disciple. There are many occasions that the Guru is around us, but we find it in a monastery, in an ashram in the jungle or in a grand press conference or in the frills of discourses.
 Is the teacher of school or college not a teacher  The word 'Gu' means darkness (ignorance) and the word 'Ru' means light knowledge. The Brahman form which destroys ignorance is light, it is Guru. By the way, there are many known and unknown gurus in our life in which the place of our parents is paramount, then teachers and others. But in reality the Guru is concerned with the disciple and not the student. In the ashrams, the guru-disciple tradition has been maintained.  
Some people say that according to the scriptures and according to the tradition of the Guru-disciple, it is known that the Guru is the one who breaks your sleep and pushes you to the path of salvation somehow. However  it can be said that whatever kind of education he gives  all are gurus. Guru Drona taught Dhanush, was he not a Guru? Are those who show only the path of salvation, there are gurus, those who teach dot net, doctor or engineering are not gurus.

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