
Text Practice Mode

pitman exercise 227

created Jul 3rd 2020, 08:22 by Varsha Batham



399 words
0 completed
   The assuming of risks, the shouldering of responsibility for bearing losses that many arise, is incident to all business and it is inevitable. However far one pushes the invaluable practice of insurance, this will not avail entirely, and something must needs be felt to chance. Nor, on the whole, would it be good for man if chance were altogether eliminated from life and separates from business. Uncertainty adds considerable piquancy to a drab existence though, of course, nobody desires convulsive or violent changes for the sakes of variety. Though we are taking us all found, a very cautions race there are never wanting among us those willing to take the chances inseparable from business. And taking one with another the risk takers profit because, since more are ready to devolve risk from themselves than are ready to assume it, they con put a premium upon their services. Those services are real. What people call "remuneration for risk" is really earned. Unless plans were made for a more ore less distant future, no progress would be possible; but as soon as futurity comes into the account, chance enters too. The Time Element "the Changes and chances of this mortal life," as it is expressed implies uncertainty. A natural instinct prompts us to consider enjoyments now as more eligible that enjoyments that are to come. Few future events are quite free from uncertainly gilt edged securities of the most unblemished reputation fluctuate in value, as anyone with secretarial experience will know. The man that sinks a mine, even though he acts upon the advice of a geological expert, runs risks; for geology itself is not yet infallible. he emigrant frequently risks a goods dal. he rubber planter in Ceylon takes risks of political upheavals that might conceivably sweep away his property rights, takes some risk that the secret researches of scientists may devise a suitable substitute, takes risks of market of weather, of any number of factors that no foresight can predict. Even when we take seats in the luncheon car, signifying by the act that we accept the offer of the railway company to provided a good meal for five shillings, we run risk of not getting the meal we anticipate. The company, too, runs some risk for we may be short of money, or we may have no money to pay or having it, may evade payment.                             

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