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Vocabolario random per italiani

created Jun 26th 2020, 23:51 by



846 words
4 completed
Apricot [epricot] = albicocca
Pear = pera (frutto) / pero (albero
Pear-tree = pero
Nectarine = a variety of peach having a smooth, downless, shiny skin.  
Papaya = https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carica_papaya
Grape(s) (in English it is a countable noun) : uva  
Carambola/starfruit [CArambola]= carambola (frutto a forma di stella)  
Plum = prugna
Mango(es) = mango
Pomegranate(s) = melograno
Raspberry(yies) = lampone
Strawberry(ies) = fragola
Grapefruit = pompelmo
Blueberry(ies) =  mirtillo
Jackfruit = giaco  
Cherry(ies) = ciliegia  
Gooseberry = uva spina  
Blackberry = mora  
Cranberry = mirtillo rosso
Honeydew melon = melone verde  
Cantaloupe = cantalupo (varietà di melone)  
Mandarin / tangerine = mandarino
Persimmon / khaki / kaki = cachi  
Fig = fico  
Quince = mela cotogna / cotogno (albero)  
Hazelnut = nocciola
Walnut = noce
Cashew = anacardio
Chestnut = castagna  
Eggplant = melanzana
Pepper = peperone
Yam = patata dolce  
Garlic = aglio  
Zucchini = zucchina
Acorn squash = zucca acorn  
Radish = ravanello; rafano  
Beet = barbabietola  
Turnip = rapa  
Brussels sprout = cavolini di Bruxelles    
Cabbage = cavolo  
Watercress = crescione   
Spinach = spinaci; spinacio  
Celery = sedano  
Kidney bean = fagiolo rosso
Black bean = fagiolo nero  
Lima bean = fagiolo di Lima  
Green pea = pisello
Asparagus = asparago
Scallion = scologno  
Leek = porro  
Chili (pepper) = peperoncino
Ginger = zenzero  
Fennel = finocchio  
Okra = ocra    
Soft drink = bibita analcolica
Chip(s) (UK) / fry or french fry (fries) (US) = patatina fritta  
Marmalade [marmleid] = marmellata
Croissant(s) / cornet = cornetto
Porridge = zuppa d’avena  
Steak = bistecca/carne di manzo
Tossed salad = insalata mista
Broth = brodo
Dressing = condimento
Stew = stufato
Dough = impasto
Egg roll: an egg roll that is rolled up, filled with small pieces of vegetables and sometimes meat, and then fried.  
Broiler chicken = pollo da carne
Flour = farina; infarinare  
Vinegar = aceto
Lobster = aragosta
Lamb = agnello
Mussel = mitilo; cozza
     Bake = to cook food in a oven
     Beat: mix and squash foods together such as eggs, butter, cream with a fork or a special tool, usually in a bowl or a plate. = scuotere in a bowl, beat the sugar with the butter until it is light and fluffy  
     Boil: to cook food in a boiling substance, usually water.
     Break [egg]  
     Broil: to cook something by putting it close to strong heat above or below it = cuocere ..  
     Carve: to cut a piece of cooked meat into thin pieces before serving it = intagliare (la carne) .. he would sharpen a knife for a full five minutes before carving the roast.
     Chop:  to cut or separate something in multiple smaller pieces with quick, heavy blows, using a sharp tool such as a knife or an axe = tagliare; tagliuzzare; fare/tagliare a pezzi.
SIN mince = tritare; tagliuzzare in pezzi più piccoli---->
 “finely chop the cabbage and cook it in boiling salted water”;” chop up an onion”; “to chop meat”.
     Fry: to cook food in hot oil or fat or similar oily substances = friggere --> heat the oil in a large pan and fry the onion and garlic for 5 minutes.
     Grate: to make something (in this case food) into smaller particles by rubbing it on a surface, in the kitchen is usually used a grater, to grate foods like cheese, vegetables, chocolate = grattuggiare --> finely grate the orange and lemon zest into the cheese and sugar and then beat until mixed  
     Peel: to remove the skin/peel/rind off of a fruit or a vegetable = sbucciare --> “peel the potato”;”peel the apple”...
     Slice: cut something into flat and thin pieces = affettare --> slice the bread; slice the onion.
     Squeeze: to press something firmly, especially with your hands = schiacciare; spremere--> squeeze a lemon
     Steam: to cook something with steam = cuocere a vapore --> steam the vegetables for about ten minutes.
     Stir: to agitate or mix food around in a dish or pan using a spoon or other objects = mescolare; rimestare; agitare due cose insieme --> stir the rice gently over a low heat
     Blend: to mix more deeply different foods or other substances together, sometimes with a blender, to make an original mixture with its own proprieties = mescolare; fondere; mischiare--> blend the butter and the sugar together.
     Dip: to lower something (in this case a food, usually something smaller like a chip) into (usually) a liquid for a moment before taking it back out again = immergere; inzuppare; affondare --> he dipped his bread in the soup
     Grill: to cook something (usually meat but also vegetables) over a fire on a flat frame of metal bars = arrostire --> we grill the steaks on the barbecue.
     Melt: to change a solid substance into a liquid one = sciogliere(rsi) --> melt the butter in a small saucepan
     Spread: to cover a surface of another substance = spalmare --> spread the bread with mayonnaise

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