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What is an Essay?
created May 11th 2019, 06:38 by GyankaPitara
1478 words
4 completed
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What is an Essay?
An essay is a literary composition, usually in prose. However, literal meaning of the work essay means to attempt. An essay can be written on any subject of Earth. Therefore, the subjects of essays are not confined to any specific area. That is why the scope of writing essays is unlimited. Therefore, an essay is a prose composition. This is an exercise in composition on various subjects divided manly under the following heading:
Introduction is the most important part of an easy as it introduces the readers to the main them of the composition. A student can write good introduction only of he is clear about the subject he is writing about. He is supposed to have collection of ideas and then selection of the material for a particular subject is the most significant exercise of mind. The ideas must not be rambling. They must be to the point. It is better if a student can illustrate his ideas with facts. Figures and examples in short.
Logical Arrangement
In due course of time reservation of women is sure to create a creamy layer, a hurdly to the progress of women in general. The demand for quota within quota indicates that women are more loyal to their castes and community than to gender based equality. Empowerment must be the right of all women, not of just a few privliged women. Demand for sub-quota is made because advantages of reservation are generally cornered by the creamy and the well organized layers among backward casts. It is undeniably true that the reservation for women is likely to be extended indefinitely. Quota has become the life-line for the survival of a government. Even after sixty-five years no political party dare to ease out creamy layer.
Reservation is no means for women’s meaningful empowerment. Political parties on their own should have long back increased women’s representation. It would have been the ideal way to uplift the status of women. Enlarging women’s role in polities is parties have been insensitive to the neglect of women. Quotas for women can bring about only cosmetic transformation. Only a fundamental change in the character and composition of political parties can do away with their discrimination. It is for the party to pack women candidates on merits and dispense with the criteria of dynasty empowerment better than the complicated Bill on Women’s reservation. The trouble is that our government is addicted to hog limelight to cash in on every political and economic measure.
But both these objections stand no ground. How does a Common Civil Code hurt one’s religion? How about Hindu Code Bill? The second objection can best be answered in the words of Dr KM Munshi that he spoke in the Constituent Assembly, “There is no such recognition in personal law of Muslim in the
Judicial Reforms are essential for a civilized society with a view to achieving overall development. The Law Commission submitted a report in August,2009.wherein it suggested exhaustive reforms so as to take justice to the people and ensure that all people have equal access to justice. There has been acrimonious debate between the Judiciary and the Legislature about their respective primacy. It does not speak well of Indian Democracy. For he common man, it is immaterial who is who. What matters most is the both are vital parts of a democracy . despite the blemishes in Judiciary, it is still the only oasis in otherwise chaotic state of democracy. The scams relating to common-wealth Games and 2G Spectrum have been brought to logical conclusion under the supervision of the Supreme Court.
Elections are essential part of democracy because democratic form of government is run by elected representatives of the people. Therefore, elections are periodically held to decide which party is favoured by the people. Democracy pre-supposed elections after certain period to avoid rule by one party for a long period.
In fact, the success of democracy requires enlightened electorate. So far we have been complimenting our people for continuing electoral process since the first elections in the country. But the fact is that with massive illiteracy and politically ignorant masses we do not have quality democracy. Elections are fought on caste, community and religious lines. Elections are not over winder issues of corruption, terrorism and economic issues. It is said that even Nehru had to find a safe Muslim dominated constituency for Abul Kalam, our first Education Minister.
The need for Police Reforms has long been felt. But nobody wants to do anything about it.
Bombay Police Act, 1951 was passed and then other states followed. Today India is engaged in redefining morality regardless of our past values and cultural life. Whenever we try to talk of our past heritage, the secularists term it as the saffronization of India. This is the most perilous and confrontationist attitude of those in power. National Language is the most suitable mode of expression of our cultural heritage. No culture can flourish without a National Language. Past cannot be modified and improved by the present because there is no National Language in India. Our own culture rooted in our traditions is likely to go extinct soon.
The need for revamping the outdated Act has not enthused any well meaning politicians. The arbitrary attitude of the police more than often dictated by their political masters is annoying to a common man. All the pleas for a radical change in the Police Act have fallen on deaf ears since the Police Station in the present form suits our political leaders. The National Police Commission, 1981, made comprehensive recommendations to make the police more autonomous and more accountable. Hardly any action worth the name on the reforms has been taken so far.
However, in 2006, the Supreme Court came forward to break a 25 year old deadlock on Police reforms. With the States and Centre Governments dragging their feet on the issue, the Supreme Court had to intervene and issue comprehensive guidelines to the governments, both the States and the Centre. The Apex court directed them to give the police functional autonomy and make them more accountable with a view to insulating the police from extraneous pressures. The Supreme Court directed that investigation process be separated from law and order duty. Among other guidelines the Supreme Court advised exercising of transparency in the selection of police chiefs, including Constitution of National Security Commission and upgrading of the service conditions of its personnel.
Corruption is a great hurdle in humanizing the police force. We need social workersin uniforms. Such an image of the police is cherished by every India. But the question is that those who pay to be recruited cannot be expected to be honest with their performance. Policemen need an environment that is conductive to healthy performance. Today, no one will disagree, that police force is dehumanized. Such a mind set kills one’s inner voice. Good policing should accord to[ priority to human value.
There is nothing to write against the official regional language. Rather it is to be pitied that Indian children of every shad and hue are struggling with a foreign language at the grass root level. That we are deprived of our rich culture is quite disappointing. The compulsive need for economic empowerment has led us away from our spiritual urges. Little wonder, our basic needs have driven us to accept a world where English reigns. There is no ambiguity in the statement that “without” knowledge of English, progress for a middle class or poor
However, Culturally and spiritually we are losers. Western values have overtaken us and being an Indian in the real sense is no longer a matter of pride. In fact, retention of English language has had adverse effect in that it has taught us to think like a Western. Undoubtedly our contact with English has made us liberal. But it is ironical that our country has not been able to protect its heritage.
India has the richest collection of great works of art and architecture. But inheritance has fallen apart for lack of study of Hindi and Sanskrit. If modern culture has overwhelmed our valuable traditions it is because there is no vehicle to propagate our own traditions.
Today India is engaged in redefining morality regardless of our past values and cultural life. Whenever we try to talk of our past heritage, the secularists term it as the saffronization of India. This is the most perilous and confrontationist attitude of those in power. National Language is the most suitable mode of expression of our cultural heritage. No culture can flourish without a National Language. Past cannot be modified and improved by the present because there is no National Language in India. Our own culture rooted in our traditions is likely to go extinct soon.
India has the richest collection of great works of art and architecture.
An essay is a literary composition, usually in prose. However, literal meaning of the work essay means to attempt. An essay can be written on any subject of Earth. Therefore, the subjects of essays are not confined to any specific area. That is why the scope of writing essays is unlimited. Therefore, an essay is a prose composition. This is an exercise in composition on various subjects divided manly under the following heading:
Introduction is the most important part of an easy as it introduces the readers to the main them of the composition. A student can write good introduction only of he is clear about the subject he is writing about. He is supposed to have collection of ideas and then selection of the material for a particular subject is the most significant exercise of mind. The ideas must not be rambling. They must be to the point. It is better if a student can illustrate his ideas with facts. Figures and examples in short.
Logical Arrangement
In due course of time reservation of women is sure to create a creamy layer, a hurdly to the progress of women in general. The demand for quota within quota indicates that women are more loyal to their castes and community than to gender based equality. Empowerment must be the right of all women, not of just a few privliged women. Demand for sub-quota is made because advantages of reservation are generally cornered by the creamy and the well organized layers among backward casts. It is undeniably true that the reservation for women is likely to be extended indefinitely. Quota has become the life-line for the survival of a government. Even after sixty-five years no political party dare to ease out creamy layer.
Reservation is no means for women’s meaningful empowerment. Political parties on their own should have long back increased women’s representation. It would have been the ideal way to uplift the status of women. Enlarging women’s role in polities is parties have been insensitive to the neglect of women. Quotas for women can bring about only cosmetic transformation. Only a fundamental change in the character and composition of political parties can do away with their discrimination. It is for the party to pack women candidates on merits and dispense with the criteria of dynasty empowerment better than the complicated Bill on Women’s reservation. The trouble is that our government is addicted to hog limelight to cash in on every political and economic measure.
But both these objections stand no ground. How does a Common Civil Code hurt one’s religion? How about Hindu Code Bill? The second objection can best be answered in the words of Dr KM Munshi that he spoke in the Constituent Assembly, “There is no such recognition in personal law of Muslim in the
Judicial Reforms are essential for a civilized society with a view to achieving overall development. The Law Commission submitted a report in August,2009.wherein it suggested exhaustive reforms so as to take justice to the people and ensure that all people have equal access to justice. There has been acrimonious debate between the Judiciary and the Legislature about their respective primacy. It does not speak well of Indian Democracy. For he common man, it is immaterial who is who. What matters most is the both are vital parts of a democracy . despite the blemishes in Judiciary, it is still the only oasis in otherwise chaotic state of democracy. The scams relating to common-wealth Games and 2G Spectrum have been brought to logical conclusion under the supervision of the Supreme Court.
Elections are essential part of democracy because democratic form of government is run by elected representatives of the people. Therefore, elections are periodically held to decide which party is favoured by the people. Democracy pre-supposed elections after certain period to avoid rule by one party for a long period.
In fact, the success of democracy requires enlightened electorate. So far we have been complimenting our people for continuing electoral process since the first elections in the country. But the fact is that with massive illiteracy and politically ignorant masses we do not have quality democracy. Elections are fought on caste, community and religious lines. Elections are not over winder issues of corruption, terrorism and economic issues. It is said that even Nehru had to find a safe Muslim dominated constituency for Abul Kalam, our first Education Minister.
The need for Police Reforms has long been felt. But nobody wants to do anything about it.
Bombay Police Act, 1951 was passed and then other states followed. Today India is engaged in redefining morality regardless of our past values and cultural life. Whenever we try to talk of our past heritage, the secularists term it as the saffronization of India. This is the most perilous and confrontationist attitude of those in power. National Language is the most suitable mode of expression of our cultural heritage. No culture can flourish without a National Language. Past cannot be modified and improved by the present because there is no National Language in India. Our own culture rooted in our traditions is likely to go extinct soon.
The need for revamping the outdated Act has not enthused any well meaning politicians. The arbitrary attitude of the police more than often dictated by their political masters is annoying to a common man. All the pleas for a radical change in the Police Act have fallen on deaf ears since the Police Station in the present form suits our political leaders. The National Police Commission, 1981, made comprehensive recommendations to make the police more autonomous and more accountable. Hardly any action worth the name on the reforms has been taken so far.
However, in 2006, the Supreme Court came forward to break a 25 year old deadlock on Police reforms. With the States and Centre Governments dragging their feet on the issue, the Supreme Court had to intervene and issue comprehensive guidelines to the governments, both the States and the Centre. The Apex court directed them to give the police functional autonomy and make them more accountable with a view to insulating the police from extraneous pressures. The Supreme Court directed that investigation process be separated from law and order duty. Among other guidelines the Supreme Court advised exercising of transparency in the selection of police chiefs, including Constitution of National Security Commission and upgrading of the service conditions of its personnel.
Corruption is a great hurdle in humanizing the police force. We need social workersin uniforms. Such an image of the police is cherished by every India. But the question is that those who pay to be recruited cannot be expected to be honest with their performance. Policemen need an environment that is conductive to healthy performance. Today, no one will disagree, that police force is dehumanized. Such a mind set kills one’s inner voice. Good policing should accord to[ priority to human value.
There is nothing to write against the official regional language. Rather it is to be pitied that Indian children of every shad and hue are struggling with a foreign language at the grass root level. That we are deprived of our rich culture is quite disappointing. The compulsive need for economic empowerment has led us away from our spiritual urges. Little wonder, our basic needs have driven us to accept a world where English reigns. There is no ambiguity in the statement that “without” knowledge of English, progress for a middle class or poor
However, Culturally and spiritually we are losers. Western values have overtaken us and being an Indian in the real sense is no longer a matter of pride. In fact, retention of English language has had adverse effect in that it has taught us to think like a Western. Undoubtedly our contact with English has made us liberal. But it is ironical that our country has not been able to protect its heritage.
India has the richest collection of great works of art and architecture. But inheritance has fallen apart for lack of study of Hindi and Sanskrit. If modern culture has overwhelmed our valuable traditions it is because there is no vehicle to propagate our own traditions.
Today India is engaged in redefining morality regardless of our past values and cultural life. Whenever we try to talk of our past heritage, the secularists term it as the saffronization of India. This is the most perilous and confrontationist attitude of those in power. National Language is the most suitable mode of expression of our cultural heritage. No culture can flourish without a National Language. Past cannot be modified and improved by the present because there is no National Language in India. Our own culture rooted in our traditions is likely to go extinct soon.
India has the richest collection of great works of art and architecture.