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CPCT for Allahabad high court exam By Atharv Coaching Dubagga Lucknow U.P. India
created May 3rd 2018, 10:38 by AdarshBhartiya
1432 words
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The brief fact of the case is that the Chief Secretary, Government of Uttar Pradesh issued a notice which was published in news paper in the first week of August, 2001 notifying that the selections to be conducted in all the district of the State for filling up Group 'C' posts in different department. The aforesaid notice was followed by an advertisement dated 29.8.2001 issued by the District Magistrate, Moradabad specifying the vacant posts to be filled up on the basis of such selection in the district Moradabad. The copy of advertisement has been filed as Annexure-1 to the writ petition. The advertisement so notified for district Moradabad indicates that number of posts of Junior clerk/Typist/Junior Assistant and Stenographers are to be filled up in different offices of the State Government. The petitioner being fully eligible and qualified to the post has applied in pursuance of the aforesaid advertisement. The petitioner belongs to the General category and had applied as such. The petitioner was allocated a Roll No. 5213422 for appearing in the written examination scheduled . The result of written examination was declared and the petitioner was shown as having been qualified in the written examination. This information has been given by the office of District Magistrate, vide letter dated 10th December, 2001 whereby the petitioner has been communicated that he has been found eligible to appear in typing test/Stenography test and secured 379 ranks in the merit list.