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Attack On Titan (random story)
created Sep 11th 2014, 17:50 by xDeadx1
282 words
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Once upon a time there was a little boy named Ethan. He was a very boy for this age, due to the fact he was scared of cats. In a far away place he was in a city of frost. In this little town in Frost were 3 walls. Wall Maria, Wall Rose, and wall Sina. Inside those walls were humans and your daily life. Outside the walls was a different case. It was simply the same thing as living inside the walls but humans were in danger of leaving the walls. Reason, There are things about 5-15 meter tall titans or in another way, giants. These titans ate humans and they were simply made to kill humans and exterminate them from existence. There is three government forces within these walls. The Garrison, The Military Police and finally the Survey Corps. Ethan was a very usual boy and he enjoyed watching the Survey Corps and the Garrison fight titans since he was in the incident where wall Maria was taken. During those years he felt fear and joy for titans. He thus came to the conclusion that he wanted to join the Survey Corps. 5 years later he was already good enough to join the Survey Corps. Then one day when it was his first time venturing outside of the walls he came across titans with his platoon. Already frightened, he was ready to fight to the death. Ethan stormed in on the titan and tried to fight as hard as he could but was hit by the hand of a titan and was killed instantly. And that is the story of how other people within Attack on Titan die without any significant meaning.