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acs traningh center beohari 20
created Jan 19th 2018, 03:19 by AxarJi
1608 words
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Were sitting in the banches of the trees. In every tree that he could see three was little child. And the wrees were so gal to have the children back agtain that they had covered themselves with blossoms,l and were waving their arms gently above the children ‘s again that they had covered themselves with bolossoms, and were waving their arms gently above the children’s headsd. The birds wre flying a nout and twittering’ with delight, and the floweres were looking up throught the green grass and laughing, It waws a lovely scens, only in th cornenr it was still witere. It was the fortesre corner of the garden, and in it was sanding a little boy. He was so small that he could not reach up to the branches of the tree. And he was wandering all around it, crying bityterly. The poor tree was still quite ceovred with forst and snow, ande the North Wind was blowing and roaring above it. C limb up Littlw boy, said the Treee, and it bent its branches down as low as it cojuld.; but the boy was to tiny. And the G iant’s heart melted as he looked out How selfish I have been he said now I know why the Sring would noe come here. I will put that poor little boy on the top of the reree. And then I will knock down the wall, and my garden shall vbe the children’s playground for ever and ever. He was really very sorry for what he had done. So he crept downstrairs and opened the fromt foor qute softy and went out into the garden. Btu when the children saw him th=ey wered so frightened that they all ran awaqy and the garden became winter again Only the little boy did not run, for his eyes were so fuloll of tearns that he did not see the Giant coming And the fgiant stole up behind him and took hm gently in his bands and b put him up into thhe rtree. And the rree broke at once into blossom, and the birds came and soang on it, and the little boy stretched ouyt his two arms and flung them =round the Giant necj,m and kissed him And the other children when they saw that the Giant was not wecked any longer, came running vack and with them came the Spring It is your garden now, little children said the G iant, and he took a great axe and knocked down the wall. And when the people waaeare going to market at twelve clock they fouknd the G ianr playing eith the children in the most beautiful garden they had ever seen. Al day long the played, and in the evening the came to the G iant ot bid him good bye But where is your little companin? He said, the boy I puyt into the rree The G iant loved hism the best bvecause the had kissed him, whe don’t know, answered the children, the he has gone away. You mudy yrll him yo nr dutr snf vomr hstr yomorrrow, asked the asid G iant But the dchildren said thet they did not know where he lived and had never seem heimn before; and the G iant felt very sad Everey agternoon when school was over, the children cdame and played with the G iant But the little vboy whom the G iant loved was never seen again Thje G iant was very king to all tahea children, yet he longed for his first little friend., and often soke of him How I would like to see him he used to say You must tell him to be sure3 and come here3 tomorrow asid the Gint but the children said thet they did not now wehere he lived. And had never en him befor, and tahe Giant felt vry sad. Every agternoon when school was over, the children came and played with the G iant, But the little boy whom the HG iant loved was never seen again The G iant was verey king to all the children yet he longed for his first little frend. And ofern spoken of him. How I would like to see him he used to say. Years went over and the G iant G iant frew very old and feeble He could not play anbout any more so he ast in a huge armchair and watfhed the children at their games and admired his garden I have amy beautiful flowers, he asid but the children are thetr most beartiful flowere of all One witer morning he looked out of his window as he was dressing He did not hate witere now for he knoew that it was merely the Spribng askiiom abd tget tge flowers were restiong, Suddently he rubgeedd his eyes in wonder and looked on and on It certainly was a marvelous sight. In the farthest conrne of the gtarden aws a tree quitw covered with lovely white blossoms, its ba=ranches Lakshme gelt brave when the soll was with her, She ogten asked the doll Shall I do this of May I do that and she would terself say fdor the doll in a different voice, Yes dear do Every morning a as she opened the eyes Lakshmi asked the doll, shall I get up, mother And the doll would answer, Yes, dear do And then Lakshmi would ask, Shall I cook the breakfastr, mother A nd the dll would anwwer yew dear do A As the days passed, Lakshmi was able to look aften her home very well, she always had the doll with her to helo her decide what to do. One evening thre was no firewood in the huse. Lakshmi asked the dol, Mothre shall I got the jungle to gather some firewood Yes dear do Bt be careful, dong lose your wasy said the dol Lakshmi went to the jungle She wandered about picking up dry twigs and small branches of trees, Suddenly the sky became very dark Theree was lightning and thunder and soon it started raining Laakshi asked the doo mothr watat sa I do Shall I take shelter under a big tree Yes dear do She ran about seeking shelter and at last she fuyld a huygtr banyan tree, she went and sat at the foot of thrt rreee she sat threre for a long time wating for tht rain to sp But by trhe time Yes deatr do But return them to the owner, Lakshmi did not know who the owner was Howeve3r, she put everything in the robbers bagand took it home A little later therer was a nock on the door She was afraid the tobbers might have come back to take their bahb the knock came again Lakshmi adked the doll, Motahrer shall I open the door> Yous dear, do It may be the owner, Lakshme opened the door, and rthrer in front to the her stood her long lost husband. Lakshmi just stared at him, Lakshmi, Lakshmi, he cred, don’t you know me. I am your husband Lakshmi ran to him , touched his feet and welcomed him home. I was afraid. She said I thought some body had come to claim the things What thing asked ther husgband. Come in and see, she said and took him inside to show him what she had brought home from the jungle Who gave you therse things her husband shouted. Does it mean my wife is a friend of the robgers Ia an am going wa again I don’t want to look at you On no cred Lakshmji Don’t leave me listen to what I have to say she than told him all that had happened the prefvious night er hsand said, Lakshmi, my dear, I was retrtrining home yesterday with everthing I had She then tod him all that had happendd the prefious nitght Her husband said, Lakshmi, my deartf, I was returing home yesterday with everything I had earedn duting the years I have bveen away. Suddently three robbers cought me and to away all tat Ai had I cried out for hep, but no help came The robbgers then ran into the jungle. Now I find that all my wealth is here with you, This gold and silver, the money. And the jewellery. I brought home for you. It is all yours. No no cred Lakshmi. Mother told mi to give these things to the owner, You are tah owner yu must tske them it is true that all these things belonged to me replied her husband, but now the belong to us We shall both enjoy them becdause now we arte goin to live happily together, Lakshmi took out the doll and asked. Mother, shall I live hoppily withgh jmy husband. Id ahs come a full thirty days agter Ramzan, What a beartiful morning it is The green fields, the blue sky the dazzling sundhine, all sem to bhe celebratiin the advent of Id the entirevillage is full of hustle and bustle Preparations ot fgo to the Idgah are in full swngt Someone ‘s kurla lacks a btton He runs to his neighbu huse to borrow a neelde and thread. A Someone else’s leathr shoes havfe grown too hared soe oil to grease and sofgten the leather, The blocks are being hastily given their fodeder because ti will be agternon byt the time folks return from the idgah It is a good there miles from the village to say nothing of the time that will be taken in mitting and chattin with socres of people
