
Text Practice Mode

Transition - The Mercenary

created Sep 10th 2014, 08:51 by



163 words
4 completed
There will come a time in your life, when you will ask yourself a series of questions. Am I happy with who I am? Am I happy with the people around me? Am I happy with what I am doing? Am I happy with the way my life is going? Do I have a life? Or am I just living?  
Do not let these questions restrain or trouble you. Just point yourself in the direction of your dreams. Find your strength in the sound. And make your transition.
Do I spend too much time thinking, and not enough doing? Did I try my hardest? With any of my dreams? Did I purposely let others discourage me, when I knew I could? Will I die never knowing, what I could have been, or could have done? Do not let these questions restrain or trouble you. Just point yourself in the direction of your dreams. Find your strength in the sound, and make your transition.

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