
Text Practice Mode

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completed Age
public The most difficult word

2 votes
1 words
18 characters
1 39 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public sensless difficult word

1 votes
1 words
12 characters
0 24 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public Typing "something" as fast as possible
something something something something something

3 votes
5 words
49 characters
3 837 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public The periodic table
Hydrogen H 1 Helium He 2 Lithium Li 3 Beryllium Be 4 Boron B 5 Carbon C 6

0 votes
245 words
1981 characters
2 13 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public Chain tool
A chain tool is a small mechanical device used to "break" a bicycle ch

2 votes
205 words
1049 characters
1 8 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public I nomi nella lingua italiana
I nomi, o sostantivi, nella lingua italiana sono tutte le parole che indicano un

1 votes
125 words
793 characters
1 46 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public Moliére: "El burgués gentilhombre"
- Podéis ponerlo, primeramente, como vos mismo habéis dicho: Bella marquesa, v

1 votes
86 words
491 characters
0 30 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public "I know a bloke", AKA the Easiest Typeracer Quote
I know a bloke who knows a bloke who knows a bloke. Now, I know you know this bl

4 votes
25 words
110 characters
4 542 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public Chapter 1 of Stolen Powers (how fast can you type this?)
Chapter 1 Something You Should Know Well, at school today, during class I go

15 votes
92 words
493 characters
2 84 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public Ludvig Holberg: "Viaje al mundo subterráneo"
Las universidades de Europa son mercados o tiendas en las cuales se negocian hon

2 votes
109 words
547 characters
1 19 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public Tengo el poder
hola hola hola hola hola hola hola hola hola hola hola hola hola hola hola como

2 votes
256 words
1061 characters
0 9 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public Why do people Lie ?
One reason people lie is to achieve personal power. Achieving personal power is

1 votes
157 words
767 characters
2 18 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public W. Shakespeare: "El mercader de Venecia"
Ha arrojado el desprecio sobre mí, se ha reído de mis pérdidas, se ha burlado

2 votes
154 words
813 characters
2 21 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public Describe a Stressful Time in Your Life
Money causes teenagers to feel stress. It makes them feel bad about themselves a

0 votes
220 words
1134 characters
1 18 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public Describe College Life
Most students like the freedom they have in college. Usually college students li

1 votes
95 words
507 characters
0 16 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public who likes to ride a dog!!1
if it was no and does to when ever you still in or out

1 votes
14 words
54 characters
1 29 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public Notícia racismo
Após ser alvo de atitude racista na partida de futebol entre o Barcelona e o Vi

3 votes
187 words
1197 characters
0 18 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public alpahbets!!!

0 votes
1 words
26 characters
1 16 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public Memes are cool
memes are very exciting and cool because they are memes and i like memes because

3 votes
22 words
112 characters
2 57 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public Glide from A to " and get 255 WPM !

3 votes
2 words
11 characters
1 193 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public Una palabra de 10 letras

5 votes
2 words
10 characters
3 448 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public Another famous Typeracer text: "Remember that humor is written backwards..."
Remember that humor is written backwards. That means you first find the cliche y

3 votes
24 words
129 characters
1 24 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public My favorite text: "For centuries, the battle of morality..."
For centuries, the battle of morality was fought between those who claimed that

2 votes
48 words
247 characters
0 17 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public Gymnasietiden
Det at gå i gymnasiet kan være en svær og hård tid for nogle. Når man går

2 votes
115 words
595 characters
0 48 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014
public This should be the easiest text you'll ever type
And no one came to say that your life belongs to you and that the good is to liv

2 votes
20 words
84 characters
1 118 3611 days ago
Sep 6th, 2014