Best typist in each language

Various rankings specific to 10FF.
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Re: Best typist in each language

Post by VinceMiller » Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:15 am

There was one at the very beginning, it was rather annoying cause it was full of infinitive forms. Later it changed to a more complex one, which I think was sent by Slowmotion. The word bank had approximately 600 words and made it specially more difficult compared to the rest of the word banks at that time. And this last one is the one we wanted to upgrade. So I guess there have been three different word banks.

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Re: Best typist in each language

Post by Linsk » Sun Apr 28, 2013 11:10 am

Thank you VinceMiller. According to this tweet, the bank was reduced from 600 to 200 words in early October 2012.

I asked Chris to send me the results of the 243 tests taken by Varsoviejj in order to get a better overview of his progress over time. I generated a graph of his scores from the data as follows:


What do you think?

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Re: Best typist in each language

Post by VinceMiller » Sun Apr 28, 2013 12:27 pm

Great graphic, however, this can be interpreted in many ways and I lack of a reasonable ground to justifiy his extraordinary improvement. It depends on many things and I've seen many people improving very fast over the time.
Nevertheless,"I" honestly see it difficult for Varsovie to get a "clean" (few incorrect words and few corrections) 199wpm, which is not the case: he made 199 wpm with 6 incorrect words and 3 corrections. We are talking about more than +-1030 keystrokes per minute, and that could be as fast as Sean Wrona in his 205 wpm video xD.
Anyway I found even more remarkable his speed at the advanced mode with 172 wpm and 15 incorrect words, not to mention his 12 corrections :S. If this was real he could record a video of getting 180s at the advanced mode without many difficulties, couldn't he? :?
"For me" there is enough evidence to think there's something very much amiss in this whole.
Btw, he and I are almost at the same average on which is a typing site in Spanish =). Draw your own conclusions.
PD: Of course this is your list, and you do whatever you want to do, and I sincerely hope Varsovie is soon providing good and trustworthy evidence =)

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Re: Best typist in each language

Post by Varsoviejj » Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:53 pm

Hi, as you wanted some proof of my typing speed, here's a link where I reach 179 WPM in advanced spanish typing test mode, I stepped away from mechanography like 4 months ago so let me practice a little more for a 185+ wpm video in normal typing mode (with short words), as advanced typing test goes better for me than normal typing test.

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Re: Best typist in each language

Post by VinceMiller » Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:10 pm

+190-195 would be much better, with 185 you wouldn't be proving anything, cause I already got that on video and I'm not able to get 199wpm in a "stroke of luck".

184 wpm in Spanish normal test: (which is quite close to my TOP score :mrgreen: )

PD: even if it sounds awkward from me, great score in advanced Varso.
I'm not having much time now but I'll try to come up with 180 on that mode relatively soon :S

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Re: Best typist in each language

Post by Varsoviejj » Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:33 pm

haha just made that video cause you were asking if I could get +180 wpm easily on advanced typing test and I was so close to that but that's ok, I'll do my best.

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Re: Best typist in each language

Post by Varsoviejj » Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:09 pm


I am doing my best to reach +190 WPM :)

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Re: Best typist in each language

Post by Linsk » Wed May 01, 2013 8:13 am

Keep it up Varsoviejj. ^^

Albanian, Filipino, Galician and Hungarian updated.

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Re: Best typist in each language

Post by qbZ » Wed May 01, 2013 2:23 pm

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Re: Best typist in each language

Post by Linsk » Wed May 01, 2013 6:54 pm

Albanian, Bulgarian, Estonian, Filipino and Korean updated.

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