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Profile Not Recording Scores

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 4:05 am
by MFL

My scores are recorded in all the competitions I play in, but when I get equivalent WPMs on solo typing tests, none of them were recorded (except for an incomplete one at 20 wpm).

Later, I did some tests for fun in Albanian, and all the 60-70 wpm scores were recorded. Is there any reason why scores in the 120s and 130s would save in the competitions, but not to my profile?


Edit: Upon further research, I seem to be experiencing the problem where the anti-cheat test doesn't appear. My tests at 130 wpm end as unceremoniously as my tests at 60 wpm. I tried disabling the addons that I have that prevent scripts from loading, but the anti-cheat still did not appear. I am running Firefox 25.0.1.

Re: Profile Not Recording Scores

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 12:01 am
by MFL
Well, I wasn't able to solve it in Firefox, but I installed Chrome and the notifications alert led me to the anti-cheat test. The alert had been greyed and I had never taken notice of in Firefox. I don't know what the problem was. I recommend perhaps adding a link to the anti-cheat test somewhere, like on your profile (or making it more visible if there already is one that I've failed to see).

Re: Profile Not Recording Scores

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 12:57 pm
by christianstrang
Thank you for your feedback, I will look into it why the other browsers don't show the notification, sorry for the inconvenience.

I'm cuirrently working on a new 10FastFingers layout and the notifications will be more visible in the new layout :)

Re: Profile Not Recording Scores

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 4:47 pm
by Ciprianjsen
I have the same problem : ... .97_2_7350

In this competition :

My score doesn't submit . :(

Why ??? :roll: :roll: :roll:

Re: Profile Not Recording Scores

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:40 pm
by Ciprianjsen

Re: Profile Not Recording Scores

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:10 am
by itto
Hello, this is the third time that this happens. Some days ago I managed to break the 120 wpm wall (finally! :P), with a 120 and 130 score, but they haven't been registered on my profile. Some minutes ago I managed to get a 122, and again nothing happened.

Re: My Result Does Not Appear In Competition

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:11 pm
by Damnnnnnn
My test scores are not being recorded.. it stays at a high of 119 WPM when i've hit 135 before. Any thoughts?

I'm always logged on, and i've even tested everything I could to try to debunk this.


492364 MY account.

Re: My Result Does Not Appear In Competition

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 6:45 pm
by ZappX
If you score higher than 119 WPM you have to validate your result by taking an anti-cheat test. "Notifications" is located to the left of your login icon in the right corner, and by clicking it you should be able to see the message that will lead you to the validation test.

PS: The posts were moved to a more relevant thread.