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Need some Halp

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 4:52 pm
by hamzaalkurdi
Hey all.

So one day i was bored and thought about my speed of typing.

so i googled around and found out this site.

registered to it and everything was good , made 5 tests , highest WPM was 99 .. xD

Doesn't really matter.

The problem here is after 1 day i tried to go in Competitions and after i finish it won't show me in the list...


so right now i can not enter any competition

Re: Need some Halp

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:35 pm
by ZappX
hamzaalkurdi wrote:Hey all.

So one day i was bored and thought about my speed of typing.

so i googled around and found out this site.

registered to it and everything was good , made 5 tests , highest WPM was 99 .. xD

Doesn't really matter.

The problem here is after 1 day i tried to go in Competitions and after i finish it won't show me in the list...


so right now i can not enter any competition

I take it this is your profile:

Your account was banned for cheating in tests and competitions: - 140 WPM - 68 WPM and 173 WPM - 99 WPM - 94 WPM - 66 WPM and 126 WPM

Re: Need some Halp

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 1:19 pm
by hamzaalkurdi
ZappX wrote:
hamzaalkurdi wrote:Hey all.

So one day i was bored and thought about my speed of typing.

so i googled around and found out this site.

registered to it and everything was good , made 5 tests , highest WPM was 99 .. xD

Doesn't really matter.

The problem here is after 1 day i tried to go in Competitions and after i finish it won't show me in the list...


so right now i can not enter any competition

I take it this is your profile:

Your account was banned for cheating in tests and competitions: - 140 WPM - 68 WPM and 173 WPM - 99 WPM - 94 WPM - 66 WPM and 126 WPM

the 94 WPM , 99 Wpm and 126 WPM were not cheating.

173 WPM + 140 WPM was a cheat.


Re: My Result Does Not Appear In Competition

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:22 pm
by Stephen Athon
This topic actually applies to me also. I have not had any success entering competitions when typing on my iPhone. The typing test works, but the score does not appear on the scoreboard.

Re: My Result Does Not Appear In Competition

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:47 am
by Stephen Athon
Stephen Athon wrote:This topic actually applies to me also. I have not had any success entering competitions when typing on my iPhone. The typing test works, but the score does not appear on the scoreboard.

Sorry to double post but this is relevant - this problem has been resolved with the recent update. My iPhone is able to compete in competitions. However, now I cannot perform ordinary speed tests!

Not Showing up on Comp Listings - Not My Fault!

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 2:52 am
by gabrielsaul - my profile

Since being on here, and discovering that I can be faster than 110wpm (pretty surprising), I've shown my skills off to a lot of friends.

One of my friends has a thing for hacks and he put some java code into my client tools on Chrome that gave me 300wpm. Now I'm not showing up on the listings and it's because of that hack, without a doubt.

I have no intention in cheating, I don't see the fun in it. I shouldn't have let him code the page but I'm a silly goat, I am.

How do I go about correcting this?


Gabriel Saul

Re: Not Showing up on Comp Listings - Not My Fault!

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 8:54 am
by 2014
Have you tried to re-install your browser?

Re: Not Showing up on Comp Listings - Not My Fault!

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 8:57 am
by ZappX
You have two options:

1) Create a new account.
2) Contact the site admin (Christian Strang) and ask if he will delete the following scores: - All three scores of 240-255-148 WPM - One score of 209 WPM - One score of 238 WPM

Your account is very new with only 24 tests and 11 competitions, so the easiest solution would obviously be option one, but if you really want to keep this account, follow option two and refer to this thread. And don't let anyone near your account again.

I don't see my result in competitions

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 4:20 pm
by Lukz99
I can't see my best result in every competition! I do the test in competitions, finish, the page says me the wpm but i don0't appear in the ranking

Re: I don't see my result in competitions

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:53 pm
by ZappX
Lukz99 wrote:I can't see my best result in every competition! I do the test in competitions, finish, the page says me the wpm but i don0't appear in the ranking

It looks like your account was auto-banned for cheating in a private competition.