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Re: Cheaters

Post by drummerjacob » Sun Oct 26, 2014 4:59 am

ZappX wrote:
drummerjacob wrote:Someone flagged my account, and I have been flagged. I don't know that whole process but I do know that out of the 80+ competitions i've taken part in, I should have won more than half of them. I want to ask why people can flag you so easily without any investigation put into it before putting invisible holds on my account that I have no way of knowing.

How am I supposed to even know a flag was put on me? There is no evidence other than the fact that your scoreboard fails to include me even when I am clearly 1st place. It seems like if there is a flag put on my account and I am still logging in and racing with normal results and nothing too crazy, nothing over 140 should send my inbox an alert message informing me of this serious situation. Or somehow communicate it to us.

I am hoping this can get fixed. Thanks Love the rest of the site!

Both your accounts were banned for cheating, and without it you would barely have won a single competition, let alone more than half. And yes, you've got scores above 140 WPM in several competitions, all with zero corrections and wrong words, a common method of cheating: - 52 rounds, 50 of 73-104 WPM and two of 148 and 155 WPM with 0 corrections and wrong words - 4 rounds, one of 94 WPM and three of 138, 137 and 154 WPM with 0 corrections and wrong words - 140 WPM (0 corrections and wrong words) - 142 WPM (0 corrections and wrong words) - 153 WPM (0 corrections and wrong words)

Yikes, I must say that your lack of use of logic is a bit scary. You are saying that just because my stats also reflect what some cheaters do, that I must also be a cheater?

It is not hard to type with 100% accuracy. What kind of an elementary level training ground are you running here to ban peoples accounts are who are good typers. That is a shame for anyone who types well.
Last edited by drummerjacob on Sun Oct 26, 2014 8:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Cheaters

Post by drummerjacob » Sun Oct 26, 2014 7:56 am

ZappX wrote:
drummerjacob wrote:Someone flagged my account, and I have been flagged. I don't know that whole process but I do know that out of the 80+ competitions i've taken part in, I should have won more than half of them. I want to ask why people can flag you so easily without any investigation put into it before putting invisible holds on my account that I have no way of knowing.

How am I supposed to even know a flag was put on me? There is no evidence other than the fact that your scoreboard fails to include me even when I am clearly 1st place. It seems like if there is a flag put on my account and I am still logging in and racing with normal results and nothing too crazy, nothing over 140 should send my inbox an alert message informing me of this serious situation. Or somehow communicate it to us.

I am hoping this can get fixed. Thanks Love the rest of the site!

Both your accounts were banned for cheating, and without it you would barely have won a single competition, let alone more than half. And yes, you've got scores above 140 WPM in several competitions, all with zero corrections and wrong words, a common method of cheating: - 52 rounds, 50 of 73-104 WPM and two of 148 and 155 WPM with 0 corrections and wrong words - 4 rounds, one of 94 WPM and three of 138, 137 and 154 WPM with 0 corrections and wrong words - 140 WPM (0 corrections and wrong words) - 142 WPM (0 corrections and wrong words) - 153 WPM (0 corrections and wrong words)

Proof I am not cheating: ...

Ok so first off, you have completely ignored my question about why you fail to show players that their accounts are flagged. Why do I have to ask it again? Its written in print, if you missed it, you can go back and read it 50 more times until you have a chance to answer. The haste with which you have ignored my legitimate questions and rushed on to provide links of my types shows you are more interested in calling me a cheater than actually assisting me.

You seem to be infatuated with my typing speed and accuracy to the extent that you will even call it cheating for the mere reason that it is higher than what I had originally started with. Well, I will explain that very soon and you will leave this forum feeling silly that you ever flagged me in the first place, and if you've any decency in you as a moderator, you will remove your rude comments calling me a cheater and saying that I wouldn't have won any of those competitions without cheating. I could personally beat you any day, and I will back that up any day of the week, of any year of any decade.. You just tell me to race you, and I will take you to school every single time, hands down, no questions. Cameras on, no problem. Skype live, cameras rolling, please and thank you. Lets do it You just name the time ZappX.

That is extremely interesting information you have provided to prove i'm a cheater. After perusing your profile, I have determined that your average WPM isn't all that high so for you to look at someone doing a good 30-50+ WPM more than you must be a bit insulting from your perspective all the way down at 95WPM, but its no cause to get all ban happy on us legit typers.

I think you should have a little respect for someone who has been around here just as long as you. At least have the decency to conduct a proper inquiry rather than just banning and calling me a cheater with no evidence but a few links to some races that don't even show my name ANYWHERE on it. Even if it did show my name, it is not any sort of proof against cheating. You aren't really as fast as you think you are ZappX and 140WPM isnt THAT fast. Perhaps this is why you are making unjust bans on people all the time and all your evidence ever is is just some #'s, all of which is 100% arbitrary.

Since when does doing 50 races under 100 WPM and then 2 above count as cheating? Cant you see that I was doing the accomplishment of going 10 races without making 1 mistype? I did achieve that the same day, and I did a lot of slow races there to make sure my accuracy was 100% for 10 races. I can type 130-140 WPM at 100% accuracy, but I can't do it 10 times in a row necessarily.

How can you ban me for typing slow for an achievement, and then going back to my regular fast speed with a few errors? That is so unfair and how could you have missed that I have the 10 race no error achievement received a the same time as the initial slower races, yet you wonder why i'm typing slow for a certain period of time and then I picked it back up?

Do we here at really have to live in fear each day that if we have an freak type session and go really well because our mind was focused and the words were easier than normal and in the right order and just sort of flow through your we have to live in fear of this? It should be an excitement when you up your highest WPM or when you have a really good race.

Anyway, where is this illegal? I really don''t see how improving your score is illegal. I can submit to you thousands of races worth of stats on other sites, also showing gains, going up up does one get worse? We dont, we get better. So dont ban me for it!

You call me a cheater because I didn't make any mistakes? Dude, look at how many corrections I made, or do you not have access to that information for some reason?? It's not hard to delete a misspelled word or prevent yourself from hitting the space bar.

I'm a buddhist meditator. I spend about 2 hours a day focusing my mind on one point, and breathing deeply.. I also take part in yoga. I think this has to do with my ability to focus my mind one one thing without distraction. I took speed reading courses when I was younger and it taught us to blur our vision a bit so we don't focus on 1 word, we pull back our sight line and see the big picture, all the words at once. I can read way faster than I type, and I don't say the words in my head as I type them, I just have all the English words memorized in my hands into muscle memory.. they roll past my fingers, sometimes I don't even press the button I more like roll off of it with the side of my finger as I go to type the next key, its called anticipation. Are my strategies so far out that you think i'm cheating? HAHAHA, this is starting to become a compliment here!

So twice now you've made illogical connections between cheating and the stats that you have shown on me.

I will link you to 2 different videos. One is from April of 2014 long before I knew my account was banned or flagged or anything. This was me just purely showing off. Now, tell me these are cheating stats....even though they're well within what you so wrecklessly and easily call cheating.

Link 1: (music in the video composed by myself as well, or maybe im a cheater on that one too, perhaps you can find a copyright infringement on that with your investigatory skills)

I will also link you to a video I made last night after talking to Christian, the owner of this website. It seems you guys running this think this is a game and you can just dole out bans to people for no reason even though they are loyal and supportive and appreciative fans of your website, when all you have to do is a little research with a little common sense, and also accept the fact that people not only type faster than YOU ZappX, but people type WAY faster than you and with NO errors! It does happen! Watch...

Link2: (This proves I am not a cheater 100% in your face): ...

For you not to re-instate my account after this shows how unfair and corrupt you are in your bannings. This video will be shared on all typing websites along with the screenshot i've saved of your forum post and other ones too showing you banning hundreds of people here with little to no evidence.

Im sure some of them cheat, but you know what, it's your guys' fault that your website is so easy to cheat on. I have no idea how to hack a website, but I do now that the way you guys built this typing race allows it much more than other racing sites like NitroType that don't allow your mouse to highlight the text, which is in some way a way im sure hacking programs can grab the text and recreate it in the typing window.

I have programming experience but no hacking experience. All I can see here is that you should spend more time fixing your websites code and less time banning everyone for exploiting it.

I never see people with freak scores over there, but we do have a few people that race between 130-170 and i'm in that group. I'm in a group of about 5-6 people who consistently make it in the top 3 with scores from that range. We don't cheat, we don't want to cheat, we just want to race. This is unjust.

as I am an active member with the username 'DrummerJacob' in NitroType, TypeRacer, Keyboard-Racing, TyprX, and others. Just look for my name, I am an institution in the online typing scene. I am personal chatty friends with Sean Wrona, and he's got me on his personal stats page as well, he would know my name just by the hear of it I guarantee you, since I spoke with him as recently as last week.

I am so active in the typing world, I have donated to 3 of the main websites, a total of over $50, and I have over 10,000 races among the sites I am active on, so I would like a full apology for your baseless insults and a full reinstatement of my account with all my competitions that had a winning WPM retroactively re-instated or at least refresh the competitions showing I have done zero, so it wont ruin my record.

If you cannot do this, you have unfairly banned me and what reason does anyone else have of achieving high stats on this website if it is only to go punished and quickly & wrongfully accused? Let this stand as an example of someone who is 100% not a cheater, never even attempted it, and has been banned ever after speaking with the owner of this website and the moderator.

I hope you will set aside pride in this instance and do the right thing.

NitroType avg WPM: 123 (3,600 races) 135 weekly average (300 races)
Keyboard-Racer: 135 wpM
TypeRacer: 131 WPM (150wpm todays high score, check it on the board its still there 24 hours)
TyprX: Same thing, check the score board im #1 with 138.8 WPM
10fastfingers: banned for cheating

Funny how you guys are the only site thats banned me and I have raced over 10,000 races throughout all those other sites at speeds exceeding 150 WPM and often at 100% accuracy.

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Re: Cheaters

Post by drummerjacob » Sun Oct 26, 2014 9:35 am


Here is evidence of my first 3 races on the new account I just created yesterday ([email protected])
and also me taking the anti-cheat test. You can watch me type with no editing of the video whatsoever. I take the time to show you at the end the speeds, though you can simply verify it here. ...

How can you flag my account and take away 4 legitimate competition wins? How dare you. I have proven you wrong already with 1 account and you stubbornly ban another one? YOU HAVE TO LEAVE ALONE LEGIT PLAYERS.

The worst thing about you banning me is you edited facts on my account. The gmail account ponchminecraft wasnt even created until about a year ago, so how is it even possible that this account with 10fastfingers that I made yesterday with that gmail acct. says I have been a member since 2012? Not only did you ban me but you falsify my records? I have proof that my gmail account wasn't even created until just a year ago, I can literally prove you falsified my profile. And if you go to edit it back, I have taken screenshots of every step of the way so far of every post you have made and I have also been saving the .html files as a record to show some of the strange and un-explainable things that are going on here, and none of them have to do with my typing.

There is absolutely zero evidence of cheating here. ZERO.

What more proof do you need that I am not cheating than video evidence of me doing 3 races and the anti-cheat race? Police use video evidence to charge crimes and acquit people of crimes every day. This is how our planet is run. Please watch this video and stop all this nonsense flagging/banning.

Furthermore, if the video is not proof enough then here are 2 photos. One is a screenshot of this accounts stats, broken down and explained (as if you gave me a chance to explain before banning my account within its first 24 hours of existence) and the second picture is a screenshot explaining my other account - drummerjacob. As you can see on both I go up and down and up again when I completed the 10 races with no typos.. Its not that hard to see why. And I have improved over time which is also not hard to understand why.

If you are really banning both of these accounts after the clear cut evidence I have provided on occasions here, I expect an explanation other than a few links to races that you won at and I should have won like you showed me last time. All you showed me in the previous response to drummerjacob is a few races where you are upset because my WPM was higher than yours and so you made me into a cheater and now they show you as winning and dont even show my name on there at all.

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Re: Cheaters

Post by Linsk » Sun Oct 26, 2014 10:38 am

Hi drummerjacob,

Ok, let's be pragmatic.

You're focusing us about English so sneaky, but this is not the main problem in your case.

You typed in Filipino in the following competitions:

With your first account here:
With your second account here:

You won both competitions with respective scores of 155 and 153 WPM. Of course, you don't appear because you're banned. But at least you can see that it took place in Filipino competition since it's written.

Now, I'll be nice, here is the proof of what you did with a screenshot of what the 10FF moderators can clearly see for these two comps:
Comp 5222e08baa880 with user 20749
Comp 5223750d97ef1 with user 24116

From there the evidence speaks for itself. Just look at your results in Filipino on your two profiles (your best is 88 WPM and it was not for an achievement) to understand that your banishment is perfectly justified and logical, even without the need to talk about what you're able to do or not in English.

Moreover, I would add that being good in a language doesn't prove that you have never cheated in some competitions. Actually it's even easier to hide cheating when you're fast. Having seniority or experience on other typing sites doesn't prove anything either, at least about your propensity to cheat.

You want to prove that you're definitely not a cheater and you're able to type at these speeds in Filipino? Ok, so we're waiting for your video in Filipino as you did for English with speeds approaching 150 WPM.

No decision is taken at random.

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Re: Cheaters

Post by HunterShaffer » Sun Oct 26, 2014 1:22 pm

Hi, Hunter Shaffer here. Veteran typer on 10fastfingers, Type racer as well as Nitrotype for the past few years now with top 3 positions on all.

I met Mr. Jacob a few years ago on Type Racer, and his speed rather impressed me in comparison to most people on the website at the time where there was little to no competition. I added him, we chatted.

In regards to the Filipino language speed, I would like to point out that Jacob was born in the Philippines. Filipino is his native language. What I find incredibly bizarre here is that Filipino wasn't even the issue here at first, you were simply asking about English results.. When Jacob proved his English speed, Tagalog/Filipino was suddenly brought into the question? What purpose does any of this serve?

I have known him for a considerable amount of time and have raced him on many typing websites and have never known him to display any poor sportsmanship or use any form of exploitations to give himself a competitive edge.

From my personal perspective, it seems apparent to me that this entire thread serves no purpose other than to restrict a legitimate typists ability to compete. I personally type at quite high speeds and would like to see 10fastfingers continue to be populated with those who can consistently get high scores without being judged by some form of algorithm that's incredibly biased. 155 and 153 WPM? Oh, wow! So quick! I'll take a video for you guys of me typing 200 in the language of your choice without any form of cheating if you leave the poor bloke alone.

Your statement of being pragmatic is being severely contradicted by the fact that this is still an ongoing case with little to no evidence against DrummerJacob.


A guy who wants to see the typing community be spiced up with legitimate typists who can consistently achieve high speeds.. Competition is good.

~ HS

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Re: Cheaters

Post by Linsk » Sun Oct 26, 2014 5:07 pm

@HunterShaffer: Hi. I've given links to the evidence in my previous post. Note that the links to the Filipino comps were already given in ZappX's first reply. If you refuse to see, that's your problem. Anyway thank you for this beautiful fairy tale, even if it fails to prove anything.

@drummerjacob: You can continue to palaver and bring your friends on the forum, but we are still awaiting a video proving that you are able to type 150 WPM in Filipino. Since this is your mother tongue, it should be very easy for you, isn't it? At least it will be something concrete for everyone!

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Re: Cheaters

Post by Ponch » Sun Oct 26, 2014 6:18 pm

Linsk wrote:@HunterShaffer: Hi. I've given links to the evidence in my previous post. Note that the links to the Filipino comps were already given in ZappX's first reply. If you refuse to see, that's your problem. Anyway thank you for this beautiful fairy tale, even if it fails to prove anything.

@drummerjacob: You can continue to palaver and bring your friends on the forum, but we are still awaiting a video proving that you are able to type 150 WPM in Filipino. Since this is your mother tongue, it should be very easy for you, isn't it? At least it will be something concrete for everyone!

Why is it that every post you make on here has an arrogant jerky tone that is always using each word to insult someone? Why cant you just either provide clearcut evidence of a cheater, or fix your website, or respectfully ban people and let it be? Why insult people who are supporting drummerjacob, and assume that he "palaver and bring your friends on the forum"
Linsk wrote:@HunterShaffer: Hi. I've given links to the evidence in my previous post. Note that the links to the Filipino comps were already given in ZappX's first reply. If you refuse to see, that's your problem. Anyway thank you for this beautiful fairy tale, even if it fails to prove anything.

@drummerjacob: You can continue to palaver and bring your friends on the forum, but we are still awaiting a video proving that you are able to type 150 WPM in Filipino. Since this is your mother tongue, it should be very easy for you, isn't it? At least it will be something concrete for everyone!

You banned drummerjacob account from posting on here and marked everything I tried to post with that as 'spam' because you don't like having to argue with someone you dont have any solid evidence against do you? Why not let me defend myself?

It makes you look suspicious when you have to block someone and dish out insults all the time to everyone. It also makes you look suspicious when you were twice asked why flags don't show up for the user, do you not care about helping the users of this site? I am presenting a pretty legit concern and you have completely ignored it 3 times now.

Is this some sort of communist website where everyone is treated like a N. Korean prison camp worker who is guilty of cheating until proven innocent, gets treated like lower class citizens on the forum, and is constant'y insulted with arrogant allegations and criticisms with nothing but threads of possible insubstantial evidence by YOU, the very people who are supposed to help make this website fun and exciting and be respectful to the players and hear our concerns to make our experience better? Is this not your goal?

What kind of forum are you running. You keep trying to show evidence when you clearly lack any at all, and all you are trying to do is keep control of a situation you have lost control over by asking me to do more tests. I have passed your anti-hack test and made a video of me typing at high speeds. I have proved 90% of your whole barrage of false allegations wrong, and now you and your other moderator buddy have cornered me, both ganging up on me while insulting anyone who would speak in support of my typing, which is very unprofessional and also suspect by the way.

So many things about your conduct in this situation are suspect as to your professionalism, maturity, and capabilities as a moderator. You ignore my concerns from the beginning, you have started a relentless attack to prove me to be a cheater, and you have insulted me and my friend. What more will you do to me here? What is your problem? Why are you so angry?

Again, fix your site if its so easily hackable. If I somehow hacked without even knowing it, then there is a problem with your site, not with me or anyone else. No other site is so overly-sensitive about this because they have their situation under control. This is absolute anarchy with thousands of posts in the cheaters section? Why is the cheating section the biggest part of this website? Is this some sick plan of the few of you to lure people to sign up here so you can just rain hell down upon us when we try to have fun?

You think you are being pragmatic, you are not. You have been shoving me around this whole time and have not given any ground in this debate.

Face it, all you have is circumstantial evidence that shows some high speeds. That is not evidence. The fact that you consider it evidence again shows what state of anarchy your website is in. You really need direct solid evidence to go hard at someone like this, to ban accounts and make allegations on a public forum and constantly putting out arrogant unprofessional comments in a really argumentative defensive fashion.

You obviously don't care to help, and I have already deleted the account that you have falsely ruined. So what else is there? I'm done here. I will go on to better sites and race there, and continue to race uninhibited by negative jealous forces.

Goodbye, it was nice owning you in a baseless debate. Pure entertainment. I feel R.I.P. for 60% of the 10fastfingers community who will be banned in the future do to lack of control of the site's anti-cheat protection.

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Re: Cheaters

Post by Ponch » Sun Oct 26, 2014 6:47 pm

Linsk wrote:@HunterShaffer: Hi. I've given links to the evidence in my previous post. Note that the links to the Filipino comps were already given in ZappX's first reply. If you refuse to see, that's your problem. Anyway thank you for this beautiful fairy tale, even if it fails to prove anything.

@drummerjacob: You can continue to palaver and bring your friends on the forum, but we are still awaiting a video proving that you are able to type 150 WPM in Filipino. Since this is your mother tongue, it should be very easy for you, isn't it? At least it will be something concrete for everyone!

You can't even prove that the site wasn't just bugging out for some races. The site is so buggy anyway, it had me logged in as 2 users at once earlier, the owner had to adjust it for me. He said he had never even seen that before. 5 different accounts I had made were all linking together. And you have rampant widespread cheating on this site, seems like the site is the issue, not me. Im not sure about those 2 races, I do not recall those, and I know some races are easier than others its up to chance.

I appreciate you blocking my previous post, goes to show the level of integrity you have, which is lower than your WPM, sadly.

Anyway, your buggy site might have done it, I have had weird things happen in the past where races ended early, and ive even had freakishly slow typing speeds because of either lag or problems with the script, whats to say it couldn't do that in the opposite way and put my score higher than it needs to be? I do agree those 2 races look odd when I see them on the list, but I do not cheat, so there must be a problem. How can you declare me guilty when I have proven im a fast typer and I am telling you over and over that I don't cheat and i've basically proved it already, its just these 2 races that look off out of everything. So im saying, maybe it was a bug int he site, maybe it was a jump in the system cause it never showed me that high of a WPM when I was typing, otherwise I would have screenshooted it like I do for any race I dot hat has above average stats like 100% accuracy or when I hit above 155 I usually it would have been, and since it wasnt, it makes me think that what I saw didn't have that #, and somehow it was changed after the fact by an error (which of course you are not aware about, just like the error I found earlier) or just by lag, I realy dont know your system.

Anyway, just wanted to say that. If you really think I cheat then fuck it. But look how much effort i've put in to defending my integrity. Is this a sign of a cheater? I am weak and tired from all this typing and explaining, why woudl I go through all this if I know im a cheater? I can take repercussions and disciplinary actions. I can, but I don't cheat and there has been a mistake. I wish you could see it.

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Re: Cheaters

Post by Linsk » Sun Oct 26, 2014 8:12 pm

Everything has been said in the first post by ZappX. 5 suspicious comps: 3 in English and 2 in Filipino. The big scores with 0 wrong words and 0 corrections are not bugs, but a common method of cheating, as stated ZappX.

For me the case is closed.

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Re: Cheaters

Post by hosszu9764 » Sun Oct 26, 2014 8:21 pm


just now, 226 WPM ?! - with 40-50 average what a f........ CHEATER !!!

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