Real time WPM
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 7:49 pm
Hi everyone! I heard someone talk about being able to see your current words per minute score (or a prediction) during the test (like in a multiplayer competition), and I wrote this little script that allows you to do that. Enjoy!
It's a little bit inaccurate when you get a lot of wrong words, but I actually perform better knowing how well I'm doing.
(To use this press CNTRL + SHIFT + I, click on console, paste the code, press ENTER and start typing!)
//- Fixed: inaccurate scores in the first few seconds.
Code: Select all
$(function ()
$(document).keydown(function (k)
realWPM = Math.round((error_keystrokes / 5) / ((60.01 - countdown) / 60));
if(realWPM < 0 || realWPM > 400)
realWPM = 0;
$('#preview').html("<font size='+3'><b>WPM:</b> " +
realWPM + "<br><b>Key Strokes:</b> " +
error_keystrokes + "<br><b>Words:</b> " +
error_correct + "</<font size='+3'>");
$('#words').before("<div id='preview'></div>");
(To use this press CNTRL + SHIFT + I, click on console, paste the code, press ENTER and start typing!)
//- Fixed: inaccurate scores in the first few seconds.