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From two fingers to all of them - ADVISE?

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 12:41 am
by Shigakure
Hello guys, my name is Sergio, I'm from Venezuela and I've been interested on typing games and competitions since years ago.

I constantly play with the current fastest typist (in spanish), Varsovie, who used to type with two fingers some years ago, and now he is a beast.

I consider I have a great potential, I'm not sure if it is too late for me, I'm 21 years old and in a few days (after I finished a competition where I'm currently participating), I will start to type with all my fingers, so if any of you have some sort of advised in order to reach 200 wpm+, I would appreciate it. Varsovie has been giving me support and providing advise as well, so I'm confindent in a few years, I'll be able to achieve such speeds.

My record on speed fingers is 145 wpm, I have on video on youtube from back 2012 typing on italian language, but I'm a little bit better now, and of course, my potential is limited by using two fingers, and I'm frustrasted because of this.

Here's the video:

I'll upload one from my skill typing nowadays (700-720 approximately)

I know this is going to be hard, especially because I've been typing with two fingers for more than a decade, but I'm willing to sacrifice even years of speed, in order to get the best potential.

I tried with a typing software a few weeks ago, and I can make 40 wpm xD, it's very slow, but anyways, I hope you guys can help me to achieve what I'm looking for.

Thank you.

Re: From two fingers to all of them - ADVISE?

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:25 am
by toddhicks209
Using all your fingers and hitting keys with the proper fingers beats just using two fingers or hunt-and-peck typing.

Re: From two fingers to all of them - ADVISE?

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 1:27 pm
by Linsk
Hello Sergio and welcome to this forum,

If you're really determined to relearn typing from scratch (or almost), and if you have no physical or mental disability, your most valuable allies will be: motivation, concentration, consistency, accuracy, persistence, patience, rigor, realism.

Good luck!

Re: From two fingers to all of them - ADVISE?

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:03 pm
by DeRoche
That's ridiculous that you can type that fast using two fingers... Very few people can reach those speeds using all their fingers!

You're not too late to learn to type normally. The biggest tip I can give you is that good, daily practice will yield results really quickly. You must not go back to old habits if you want to learn to type differently. Start slowly, work on dexterity of fingers. To do this you'll want to revisit the very basics. The website Typingstudy (Google it) has great exercises for basic typing. Obviously you already have a very good idea of the layout of your keyboard, so the point of this isn't to learn where the keys are, but rather to learn how to use all your fingers on the correct keys. It might seem frustrating to be typing basic stuff, but it will give you the necessary muscle memory to type fast later. After a while of using this site, move on to things like the 10fastfingers top 1000 challenges. Keep working at it every day, again using the correct fingering, not going back to old habits.

One thing to keep in mind is that since you're used to moving your arms while typing, you might be tempted to try this while typing with all fingers. The best way to type while using all fingers is to keep the arms as stationary and relaxed as possible, with almost all movement occurring at the fingers.

Re: From two fingers to all of them - ADVISE?

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 6:48 pm
by Shigakure
So I was able to start typing with all my fingers since about a week ago. I'm already on 75 wpm, and I''m confident I'll reach 100 pretty soon. Thank you guys for all the support. :)

Re: From two fingers to all of them - ADVISE?

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:50 am
by Roar
I'm basically typing with a maximum of 6 fingers but mainly 5 due to a handicap.
Tho I've tested some typing by simply looking at the keyboard while typing to see how many fingers I can actually use and who I am using for what, that helped me get started.

I am still struggling when not looking at the keyboard, missing keys I am very used to hitting with a different finger.
But that could be a way to "recode" your brain, but you shouldn't think about speed when doing this to begin with.

But dang, impressive scores using only two!
My best try overall using 6~ (on different sites etc) was right under 600 keystrokes a minute, or 120~ wpm I believe it was.

But my average at the moment is 90-100 wpm (Depends on the test and site).

Re: From two fingers to all of them - ADVISE?

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 5:22 am
by toddhicks209
What makes your typing speed even more amazing is that you are doing it with fewer fingers than usual.

Re: From two fingers to all of them - ADVISE?

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 6:44 pm
by Fransisco
I almost couldn't believe my eyes when I saw your video! You are typing faster with 2 fingers than I am with all of mine! Blasphemy!!!

Playing aside you just have to listen to what DeRoche and Linsk. Practice and motivation, Good luck!

Re: From two fingers to all of them - ADVISE?

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 6:43 pm
by Shigakure
Thank you guys for all the support, so I started about a month and a half ago typing with 9 of my fingers (all of them except for left thumb), my record so far is 138 wpm, not yet my record with index fingers, but I'm starting to feel comfortable. I'm having trouble with my right ring and pinky fingers and that's retaining me to improve in a big scale, but I'm confident I'll reach 145 before the year is over.

Once again, thank you for all the support, I really appreciate it.