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can you do this?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 5:16 pm
by kzya
im not sure if it has anything to do with the size of your hand
i cant press L with using pinky finger for shift
i think its kinda far to reach but im not really sure
sometimes i even press "/?" instead of shift -_-
so if you can do this can you please tell me how to?
(if you could post a picture for specific explanation i would really really appreciate!)

Re: can you do this?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 5:49 pm
by GaborG
Hello kyza,

If I understand correctly, you have your hands in the default layout on your homerow (left hand: asdf, right hand jkl:), and you are trying to type a capital L in the following manner:
  • move pinky finger to shift
  • keep ring finger on L while pressing shift with pinky

As far as I'm aware, standard procedure for typing capital letters is the following: if the letter you wish to type is on the right side of the keyboard (aka you use your right hand to hit it), then you use the opposite hand pinky finger to hold down the shift (aka your left hand pinky pressing down the left shift), and vice-versa.

So to adapt the above example to your current question: you would be pressing LEFT SHIFT with left pinky, and pressing letter L with your right ring-finger.

If that was not exactly what you meant, then please further describe.


Re: can you do this?

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:57 am
by GaborG
Hello again,

You said a picture might be good as well, so had some time on my hand, and depicted visually what I was trying to describe in my previous post:


To reiterate the idea (using an English QWERTY layout):
  • You first press the LEFT SHIFT with left pinky (shown with roman numeral I)
  • Second step is hitting letter L with right ring-finger (shown with roman numeral II)

Feedback is welcome, if this has helped you! :-)

Have a nice day,

Re: can you do this?

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:48 pm
by Stephen Athon
Very helpful explanation. I have always typed using only the left shift button. Although I realize that's not efficient - to start incorporating the right shift key now would drastically hurt my speed.