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Whats the fastest typist in the world?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:22 pm
by Xatenev
What is the fastest typist in the world? (In english)

My record in english is like 150 WPM ( was enough to score the first place from 105000 typists in the last 24h )
My record in german is like 171 WPM ( was enough to score the first place in the last 24h )

Am i doing well with those WPM?

What WPM's are good?

What WPM's should be worked on?

Thanks for info.

Xatenev :)

Re: Whats the fastest typist in the world?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:50 pm
by Kanto-Dream

First, you should know that you are a very good typist to me, congrats!

My google only finds french website so I can't give you them but Helena Matoušková (Czechoslovaquia) seems to be the fastest typist in the world:

French wikipedia:
"Il faut noter que le record de la championne du monde Helena Matoušková (République tchèque) n'a pas encore été égalé: 955,10 caractères à la minute et un pourcentage d'erreur de 0,03, lors des championnats du monde organisés à Rome en 2003."

It means:
"It is necessary to note that the record of the world champion Helena Matousková (Czech Republic) was not equalled yet: 955,10 characters in a minute and a percentage of error of 0,03, during world championships organized in Rome in 2003."
So about 191WPM, but I doubt she really is...

Xatenev wrote:
What WPM's are good?

WPM is good when it's good enough to you! ^^

Re: Whats the fastest typist in the world?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:00 pm
by qbZ

Re: Whats the fastest typist in the world?

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:32 pm
by ShaneW
Michael Shestov is still a competitor in typing, even in English. He's been to Typeracer a few times and was hitting around 185-199'sh and some bursts of 200+. He doesn't compete that much though, but he's still a force.

Re: Whats the fastest typist in the world?

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:52 pm
by Linsk
Hi Xatenev,

I don't know who is officially the fastest typist in the world in English but it could very likely be Sean Wrona (he holds several records on the web).

In absolute terms, 150 WPM is a very good score and 170 WPM an excellent one. But if they are 10FF scores, keep in mind that the tests last only 1 minute and that the words are limited to 200 in most speedtests (sometimes even less than 100 different words) and where the inaccuracy has little impact. Therefore, it's more a matter of speed and memory. In addition, you type strings of words without sense, so there is no sentences, no punctuation and very few words with capital letters. All these points make it easier to achieve high scores on 10FF.

Note that I'm not saying that getting between 150 and 170 WPM is easy (that's why I'm unable to do it myself) but if you want a better idea of your actual abilities, I firstly suggest you to take some tests in the 10FF advanced mode in English and German. Then, if you want to go further and put you in a situation of typing more "normal", that is to say, typing a true text for 1, 2, 5, 10 or 30 minutes, try sites like Hi-Games or Intersteno and compare all your results.

Re: Whats the fastest typist in the world?

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:42 pm
by jallis
I would say those scores are amazing, considering I am only able to get to around 80 burst speed in Norwegian and 70 in English.
I would say the fastest would probably be Sean Wrona, considering he has done less than 20 tests on this website, and has already beaten the previous score several times. He has also got some of the highest scores on other websites, and on Typeracer he's got the highest average on his tryhard account.
I do agree with Linsk in that these tests are a bit about your memory and how many times you've done them before, so I would suggest either trying to do some tests in a foreign language that has the same characters as yours, or to try some of the advanced tests.

Re: Best typist in each language

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 7:54 am
by nomibucha
Huh Exactly but i think Barbara Blackburn is the World's Fastest Typist. Mrs. Barbara Blackburn of Salem, Oregon can maintain 150 wpm for 50 min (37,500 key strokes) and attains a speed of 170 wpm using the Dvorak Simplified Keyboard (DSK) system. Her top speed was recorded at 212 wpm.

Re: Whats the fastest typist in the world?

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 4:32 pm
by jallis
I believe that she is officially the fastest typist, at least in the Guinness world record books, however, I believe (as stated in my previous post on this thread) that Sean Wrona would be the fastest. You may not be aware of it, but he has actually maintained a speed of 170 words per minute over a time period of 50 minutes which beats her score. However, it is unofficial.