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Re: What keyboard do you use for fast typing?

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 8:11 pm
by Graril
I recently hit 158 wpm on a chromebook keyboard. The keys are really easy to hit and you can just glide over them. Average is ~140 with it.

Re: What keyboard do you use for fast typing?

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 5:45 am
by PoopFest420
I went from a normal keyboard to a Razer Blackwidow with Cherry MX Blues because I was playing a ton of starcraft :lol: .
Recently bought a CODE keyboard with Cherry MX Clears from WASD Keyboards because I wanted a more quiet keyboard appropriate for the workplace. It's probably due to practice, however I've noticed a 10-13 wpm increase ever since switching to my MX Clears.

Re: What keyboard do you use for fast typing?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 3:11 pm
by talalalh
Flat key laptop keyboard.
Can reach nearly 140wpm

Re: What keyboard do you use for fast typing?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 5:13 pm
by Stephen Athon
spiffytippy wrote:My truly ergonomic keyboard has cherry switches and seems very sturdy. On top it is compact. Have you considered it? It is hard to come by, here in Germany.

What layout do our keys have? Staggered in a nonsensical way. The important modifiers are hard to reach. I could go on.

Trying ergonomic keyboards is kinda bad, because you need to get used to them. At first, most of them feel wrong, because we are accustomed to something else. So trying is more of a month thing than a minute tryout at the store. That is a hurdle, I think.

My question was not answered, but reinforced. You dont think the standard layout is inferior, which leads me to think that you haven't thought about what makes an ergonomic keyboard apart from the switches and the size. Why is that? Why are we so oblivious to our key arrangements?

I appreciate your take on the ergonomic layout. And I must say, I just looked at the two links you provided and I am highly impressed with both designs. They are incredibly expensive, to be sure, but I believe that usually you get what you pay for.

Allow me to bump these links so that others can easily see them.

Truly Ergonomic Mechanical Keyboard
Kinesis Advantage Pro Mechanical Keyboard

It's true that few people question the layout that has been given them. It is what we learned on, and have typed on all our lives, so why change?

I am not going to go out and buy one now, but I will certainly put more thought into it.

Re: What keyboard do you use for fast typing?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 6:05 pm
by ZappX
While I've not considered a keyboard of this kind, I remember trying another type of ergonomical keyboard a long time ago and didn't like it. There are many different ergonimical keyboards out there, with completely different designs. That might be a problem for the people who are looking for something else than you normally get. It's a very difficult task to figure out what keyboard design is the best for you without testing it first. With some luck the keyboard you are interested in is displayed in a store or maybe a friend owns it. If you have to practice at least a month to get a handle of it, it might put many people who are used to the standard design off.

My biggest issue with the standard keyboard is the placement of important keys like the backspace. Why this key is placed in such an awkward position is hard to fathom. And I would like the shift keys to be in a better position. Other than that I don't have a problem with the standard design, but it would be interesting to test the "Truly Ergonomic" keyboard without having to buy it first. With that price I want to make sure it's something I want to go for.

Re: What keyboard do you use for fast typing?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:28 pm
by spiffytippy
Stephen Athon wrote:It's true that few people question the layout that has been given them. It is what we learned on, and have typed on all our lives, so why change?

Why do we have Smart Phones then,
why do we accept MS Office Ribbons,
why do we use machines for many things, we did by hand before,
why do we change to ergonomic handlebars on bikes,
why are the current playstation controllers not like the flat atari cuboids?

We change our interfaces with the real world regularily, why not the keyboard? I do not understand, why conservative preservation of the accustomed is so strong with keyboards.

Best QWERTY keyboard for touch typing?

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 2:15 am
by jolos
In your opinion, what's the best QWERTY keyboard for touch typing?

Going from a small to a normal sized keyboard increases my typing speed with about 20 wpm, and I guess getting a great keyboard could nudge it a bit further up.

Re: Best QWERTY keyboard for touch typing?

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 5:59 am
by toddhicks209
It's good to have a keyboard that is an ideal size but that can only take you so far because you still have to know the keyboard well and use the right touch typing techniques to type well.

Re: Best QWERTY keyboard for touch typing?

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 6:52 am
by Leon
Some of the most accessible choices:

Filco Majestouch 2 - They have a whole series including Red and Clear
Ducky Shine 4 - Not sure what mech keys they have
Razer Blackwidow (Blue) / Blackwidow Stealth (Brown)

Re: What keyboard do you use for fast typing?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 3:46 am
by melikepi
The best keyboard for somebody really depends on their touch typing method. For me, it's a SteelSeries Apex.
In response to toddhicks209, yes, flat keys on a laptop keyboard can lower your speed by 10-20 wpm. The best laptop keyboards used to be on Dell laptops, but I don't know if they still do those anymore...

Some keyboard brands you might want to check out regarding this topic would be Razer and Corsair. DasKeyboard is also a good option.