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Re: ChimChim

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:31 pm
by Impermanence
Greetings, ChimChim!
Good to finally be chatting with you.
Nice to know that you were an Aztec.

I've been typing on here quite a bit.. it's so addicting.
I have improved a lot these past several weeks and can finally beat you without getting "lucky."

In the most recent competition we both played, Robert Price beat me by one keystroke.
I had more than enough total keystrokes, but just too many mistakes.
Very frustrating when know you can win if you just don't make that many mistakes.
Just needed a few more minutes but time ran out.

We seem to be into the same things, such as working out, speedcubing, and typing.
Nice forearms, by the way (if that's you in the picture).
I've been a regular at 24hrfitness for many years.
Some of my stats: biceps 15", forearms 11.5", chest 40", waist 29", 5'8", 149lbs, bench 1RM: 270lbs~, squat 185x3.
My best 3x3 speedcubing time was 26-27 seconds. Average now is about 35-40 seconds. A bit out of practice.

Re: ChimChim

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 1:58 pm
by chimchim
Impermanence.. Whoah... you're like ME a long time ago! Yeah you've edged me here in typing speed. I'm slowly improving... but it's hard where I work and with what I do, as my office is such that people seem to invite themselves in here with their cup of coffee and chat away, so I don't get to really type in competitions as much as I'd like. Yeah typing is pretty addicting.

And you speedcube and workout too!? My fastest time is 10.003 and I average around 17 seconds when warmed up. And yeah, that's my picture. I'm pretty addicted to working out. Shooting for 20" arms by the end of the year. I'm 6', 240lbs. Workout in my garage as I have a pretty extensive hardware setup. Not sure about max weights because of previous injuries, so I'm kind of scared to do the powerlifting I used to do. But I have benched 405 quite a few years back.

Anyways, great to see we have so much in common. Now if you can just slow down so I can catch up!! :shock:


Impermanence wrote:Greetings, ChimChim!
Good to finally be chatting with you.
Nice to know that you were an Aztec.

I've been typing on here quite a bit.. it's so addicting.
I have improved a lot these past several weeks and can finally beat you without getting "lucky."

In the most recent competition we both played, Robert Price beat me by one keystroke.
I had more than enough total keystrokes, but just too many mistakes.
Very frustrating when know you can win if you just don't make that many mistakes.
Just needed a few more minutes but time ran out.

We seem to be into the same things, such as working out, speedcubing, and typing.
Nice forearms, by the way (if that's you in the picture).
I've been a regular at 24hrfitness for many years.
Some of my stats: biceps 15", forearms 11.5", chest 40", waist 29", 5'8", 149lbs, bench 1RM: 270lbs~, squat 185x3.
My best 3x3 speedcubing time was 26-27 seconds. Average now is about 35-40 seconds. A bit out of practice.

Re: ChimChim

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 2:16 pm
by Impermanence
ChimChim, I sent you a PM!

Re: ChimChim

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 8:29 pm
by ZappX
Stoner, the previous prince of the Engligh competition section. Have you weeded out your potential? Don't like to lose, eeh? Well, that I understand, but you have some golden lines. Hope this is not the end of your stay here.


Re: ChimChim

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:35 am
by Stoner
ZappX wrote:Stoner, the previous prince of the Engligh competition section. Have you weeded out your potential? Don't like to lose, eeh? Well, that I understand, but you have some golden lines. Hope this is not the end of your stay here.


Yeah, impermanence is even more irritating than Chimchim :) I have to basically hope he gets lazy and posts a slowish top score in the 140's or low-mid 150's, then hope to beat him in the last minute before he has time to replace it. I stopped the ganja for a few days about a month ago and easily got a string of 160-164's in comps. I was even going to change my name to "sober," but then i had a relapse.

They say that, on average, people improve by about 7 words with a mechnical keyboard. They seem a bit expensive, however. I'm probably just going to have to be content with mediocrity.

Re: ChimChim

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:02 pm
by Impermanence
Stoner wrote:
ZappX wrote:Stoner, the previous prince of the Engligh competition section. Have you weeded out your potential? Don't like to lose, eeh? Well, that I understand, but you have some golden lines. Hope this is not the end of your stay here.


Yeah, impermanence is even more irritating than Chimchim :) I have to basically hope he gets lazy and posts a slowish top score in the 140's or low-mid 150's, then hope to beat him in the last minute before he has time to replace it. I stopped the ganja for a few days about a month ago and easily got a string of 160-164's in comps. I was even going to change my name to "sober," but then i had a relapse.

They say that, on average, people improve by about 7 words with a mechnical keyboard. They seem a bit expensive, however. I'm probably just going to have to be content with mediocrity.


Good to see you posting.

Yeah, you beat me the other night.
I posted a "lazy" 144 or so right before going to sleep and you got 149 to beat me.
I was pretty frustrated so I entered a few after that getting 150s and didn't see you come back. ;)

Nice little strategy you have there for winning competitions.
Maybe I'll try entering at the last minute and hoping for a good run haha.

I'm typing on a laptop keyboard with scissor swtiches.
Don't have a desktop, so won't be getting a mechanical, even though it could probably improve my speed.