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Re: 10FF videos

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 4:59 pm
by Linsk
Interesting! :)

Re: 10FF videos

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 7:03 am
by Impermanence

Re: 10FF videos

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 7:52 am
by Linsk
Pretty good video. :)
Added, thank you!

Re: 10FF videos

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 3:43 pm
by Schollie
I recorded an English typing test: and got 187 WPM. I have yet to exceed the 190 WPM threshold (the highest I've gotten so far is 189 WPM)! Exceeding 200 WPM some day would be really, really awesome, but I may be aiming a little high there. :D

Re: 10FF videos

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:24 pm
by Linsk
Nice! Added.

Re: 10FF videos

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:57 pm
by Impermanence
Schollie wrote:I recorded an English typing test: and got 187 WPM. I have yet to exceed the 190 WPM threshold (the highest I've gotten so far is 189 WPM)! Exceeding 200 WPM some day would be really, really awesome, but I may be aiming a little high there. :D

That was great!

You can definitely exceed 200WPM if you have a perfect run.
You have enough keystrokes (1005), they just need to all be correct :)

You're typing about 20-25WPM more than me, which is about 1.6 to 2.1 extra keystrokes per second (a lot seeing as I only do 13-15 KPS!).
My best is 172, and have gotten it on three occasions. Can't seem to beat it!

Re: 10FF videos

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:17 pm
by Schollie
Thank you!

That's a good point, I hadn't really considered that. Rather than just try to improve my speed, I should aim on typing more accurately! This makes me a lot more optimistic about achieving 200 WPM. :)

If you have the speed and dexterity of achieving speeds of 170+ WPM (which is A LOT faster than average), it's just a matter of time before you get to 180+ and beyond. Just keep on practicing. :)

Re: 10FF videos

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:43 pm
by Impermanence
Schollie wrote:Thank you!

That's a good point, I hadn't really considered that. Rather than just try to improve my speed, I should aim on typing more accurately! This makes me a lot more optimistic about achieving 200 WPM. :)

If you have the speed and dexterity of achieving speeds of 170+ WPM (which is A LOT faster than average), it's just a matter of time before you get to 180+ and beyond. Just keep on practicing. :)

Does it feel relaxed for you when typing at those speeds, or do you have to put a lot of effort?
Sometimes when I'm trying really hard, my heart rate noticeably increases.

Re: 10FF videos

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:13 pm
by Schollie
Yes, I do have to put in quite a lot of effort to type this fast. If I relax while typing, I'll only manage to get around 170 WPM. But when I just joined 10FF, a couple of weeks ago, I had to put in a lot of effort to achieve 170 WPM, so there is progress. :)

I also notice an increase in heart rate when typing really fast, not only due to the physical effort, but also due to getting agitated, especially when I've been typing flawlessly for let's say 40 seconds, and I see the timer counting down in the corner of my eye... only 20, 19, ... seconds left, almost there... That's when I get really nervous about screwing up, my heart rate rises even further, and I usually end up making a lot of mistakes. :lol: I wonder if this happens to everyone?

Re: 10FF videos

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:25 pm
by Impermanence
Schollie wrote:Yes, I do have to put in quite a lot of effort to type this fast. If I relax while typing, I'll only manage to get around 170 WPM. But when I just joined 10FF, a couple of weeks ago, I had to put in a lot of effort to achieve 170 WPM, so there is progress. :)

I also notice an increase in heart rate when typing really fast, not only due to the physical effort, but also due to getting agitated, especially when I've been typing flawlessly for let's say 40 seconds, and I see the timer counting down in the corner of my eye... only 20, 19, ... seconds left, almost there... That's when I get really nervous about screwing up, my heart rate rises even further, and I usually end up making a lot of mistakes. :lol: I wonder if this happens to everyone?

Wow, it's amazing how your relaxed effort pace is my absolute maximum effort pace.

Yes, I get a bit nervous towards the end too!
I've noticed that most of my mistakes come toward the end.

Have you tried doing some of the other languages that don't have accents?
Indonesian, Malaysian, Filipino, etc.