
Text Practice Mode


created Apr 22nd, 05:24 by rajni shrivatri



365 words
37 completed
The concept of justice is a concept of a larger area. This is a concept whose meaning is not agreed among scholars. The concept of justice is actually a moral concept. Ethics or moral principles cannot be constant or the same forever. What some people see as morality may also be immoral to some others. The concept of justice is based on the reasonable or rational sense of the individual. Whatever pleases the conscience of a person is just and what does not please his conscience is unjust in his eyes. The concept of justice is individually and socially related to the society. The concept of justice has many aspects and each aspect has its own characteristics. no ideology or principle can be permanent or stable on the basis of social values and human tendency, it is not possible to maintain that principle permanently. The reason for this is that the social status and human tendency is going to change according to the conditions of time and time. When we say that whatever is considered right through the conscience of man or by social values, that he considers us to be the judge, obviously the concept of justice is a dynamic concept. This concept of justice is also called a variable concept because it is natural to change according to time and situation. The sense of justice is the basic basis of the soul of the social system. If human beings are living in a cooperative environment in organized society, then the root cause of this is the sense of justice which has bound man in a system. The source of this feeling is the human conscience, which is actually a symbol of righteousness, goodness, generosity, kindness, and these human qualities are considered at the core of the concept of justice. Justice is to treat all persons equally, unless there appears to be a related or reasonable difference among all people.  Justice is the proper performance of one's duties and not interfering in the work of others. According to the British scholar Bentham, giving equal share to all the people is the basic basis of justice. This concept of Bentham is called Numerical Justice.

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